Wadeable Smallmouth


Mar 28, 2009
Hey Guys,

I am looking for some decent wadeable streams in the SEPA area. I am wanting to get into some streams that have some decent numbers of smallmouth. I live in Bensalem, and the local streams hold smallies, but nothing of real size or quantity. I know I have the Delaware close by, but it is to big to wade down in my area. Any ideas? I wouldn't be afraid to drive a bit to take an all day trip. Just curious if anyone has any streams that I may not be aware of that are wadeable!

Where you're located, for smallies, I wouldn't waste my time fishing anything but the Delaware. There's plenty of wadeable water north of you.
How far north?? I am hopefully going to be able to use a kayak soon so I won't be limited to wading only
I've had some luck on the Skuke north of Reading. Can be hit or miss up there though. This link from the Fish and Boat Commission might be of some help as well. Just pick your county at the top and your species on the right and hit refresh
Afishinado- Are those sections really wadeable though? It seems like it is pretty big in those sections.
Awesome! I am going to have to check it out. If anyone ever wants to meet up I am more than happy to too!
Steve, you can always fish the Pekiomen from Green Lane to Oaks where i believe it dumps into the Schuylkill, the Delaware is also a class act smalmouth river too not to mention you might get a Striped Bass on the swing or drift.
Maybe we can meet up an fish the Delaware above Easton this summer.If you really want to have an adventure the Susquehanna from Below Wilkes Barre north to the state line fishes good too.
The Brandywine River has some nice Smallies, just find the holes with rocks and you will find them. If you ever get down to the West Chester area I can show where to go.

