Vote tomorrow for Brandywine access



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Here's the posting I just put on the General Forum:

"Folks - here's your chance to do your civic duty for the good of trouts and us. You can refer to the recent posts on the DHALO problem of access to the fine East Branch of the Brandywine because of actions by the new owners of Shyrock Paper Mill (closing and fencing off the access to the beautiful Struble Trail).

The fine folks at Friends of Struble Trail have made our problem a front page issue. Go to and see the Sunday banner front page article on the Daily Local. Sign the petition, if you haven't already.

Anyhow, all four candidates (both parties) have made promises to support this effort - amazing work that this FothST has done in just a few months!!

Your part? Besides signing the petition and getting your friends and relatives to sign also, go do your duty and vote in tomorrow's election. Chester County residents - you have a direct voice in this matter - but only if you do what so many soldiers and patriots have died for. Those of you in one of the newly split 3 Upper Uwchlan townships have an even more direct involvement, since you can let your local elected officials know what you would like to see happen.

Get 'er done.


Thanks to all of you that have already helped with the Rally and the petition. Here is one case of where we citizen-anglers can make things better.

But it ain't over till it's over.
