Vote for this little girl



Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
E-Town and Germania
Rio has a video contest going, this little girl Tenkara fishing deserves to win over the obnoxious dude in the lead right now. Vote here.
If you voted, thank you, she is now in the lead again. I have no vested interest in this other than I'd like to see her win, and it really is the better video.
I agree, it is a great video!! Thanks for the heads up.
voted and shared!
I voted. I really liked her video. Also voted for W4F as I like his stuff and watch it quite often. I agree with your assessment of mr. rio hat. He just rubs me the wrong way.
voted, gotta agree with you on this one.
Good video.... I voted for her.
Kid catching panfish with a crappie pole? How could I not vote for that, even though it was an awfully expensive looking crappie pole.
I voted for her, even though she's a hipster w/ that tenkara thing ;-)

And you're right, Sal. It IS the best video. As much as I wanted to vote for that big brookie, dude just transferred over his go-pro footage. No artistry.
Thanks to your help she won December. They got Rio to donate a couple of lines to Project Healing Waters. Here's a link to the post on FFR with a thank you video. Pure class. Link
The one tug is the drug video looks to be from pa. Definetly noticed spring creek in that
1hook wrote:
The one tug is the drug video looks to be from pa. Definetly noticed spring creek in that

Yeah dude has an account on here, has a bunch of cool videos on youtube, in the pa area, as well as jersey, and out west