very local 911 call



Active member
Mar 20, 2008
I just got a call tonight from my son's cell. Weird thing was he was home. He told me to come downstairs and help him. He's nineteen so this was strange. When I opened the door to his room there he was on the floor with his hand stuck to the carpet. He had felt a hook and when he swiped the rug it pierced is finger and the carpet too. There wasn't 1/4" between the two.

I should have grabbed the camera before the nemostats. :)

Another reason to use barbless hooks! LOL!
could have been worth 10,000...always have the camcorder near by...
The best part was he was talking to his girlfriend when it happened and told her he had to hang up and call hiis Mommy, he'd explain later. I'm still laughing!!
Mighty Mom to the Rescue!
A true bonding moment.
That one's for life.
Hope his finger heals...As Mom, it's ok to NOT let his ego heal for a while, though!
He could claim disability for that. It could be a work related accident lol! (sorry that's the insurance salesman in me)
I am very sure with a "Polaroid" moment like that even though a photograph was not taken that picture will burn in the pages of your mind for a lifetime. Very classic. Thank you for sharing even though your son may be slightly embarrassed.

One of those priceless moments. Wish you had a picture though to share.
When one funny thing happens one isn't I'll take this to OT. Maybe you guys can give me som insight.
Reminds me of myself a few years back before I was fly fishing. I got snagged on some weeds on the lake and gave it a nice tug to free it. Before I knew it...I heard a little ching and some pressure on my ear. Took a look in my truck window and there was a spinner hooked right into the top of my ear. I definitely would have went with a barbless hook then. Haha.
Good thing it was his finger stuck on the hook....
OH! Don't make a Mothers heart Stop beating! You sound like my son!

:) LOL
A friend of mine was Walleye fishing at York Haven this past fall. He landed a nice Walleye and began releasing him. Unfortunately during the process of releasing, the fish flopped around and next thing he knew, one of the treble hooks on the Rapala lure was imbedded in his thumb, another was hooked to his waders at his crutch, and another was still hooked to the fish. I wasn't around to get a video of him "duck walking" out of the river to dislodge fish, thumb, and waders, but his demostration of the event at work the next day had us rolling on the ground in laughter.
At least you can't blame yourself... Some years back, when I was just a little tike, my family and I were fishing for pan fish with small jigs out of our boat. I was sitting with my back to my mother. She whipped her rod over her right should to throw out a line and unfortunately met some resistance. The jig went through my eyelid just under my brow and thankfully narrowly missed my eye. Needles to say, she almost passed out on the spot.

We had to go to the emergency room to have a doctor remove the jig. She still feels bad to this day, though I was fine and actually made my dad take us back to the lake to do some more fishing (although this time with bobbers and very little casting). Unfortunately we did have a camera around and that video is still a crowd pleaser at family get-togethers.

I still think I may have been the one to set the trend of eyebrow piercing.
Last night I called my son's cell from my bedroom and told him I needed help, that my hand was attached to the floor. He didn't laugh He has lost all humor in it.

I can associate with your Mom. Many years ago I had loaded groceries and shut the back hatch to my Saturn station wagon and it didn't come down all the way so I did it again. It was then that I saw my sons eyes start to tear. I had slammed the hatch on his head twice. He actually didn't shed tears. He tried to be all tough! I cried all the way home.

And to any of you wondering if it was the 100mph kid. Yes it was. Maybe he was getting even or maybe I was just getting a headstart!
Wetnet......that is sooooo him a magnet for his birthday.
I do not know why this popped up again but it was a hoot. I think the timing is awesome. Kid qualifies for Nationals and has Mom unhooks him from rug. I think that is why he still lets me fish with him, so I don't tell.

Well that didn't work too well. I have 2 sons not 1 and I love them both. They torture me with mis-placed humor. The younger might be a bit brighter. Doesn't spend all of his money on fishing stuff.
When I was about 5 years old I sat on a fishing lure from my Fisher Price telescopic fishing rod. I don't remember it that much but my mother says it was stuck in my rear through my pants and into the back seat of the car. I guess there weren't car seats back then, at least I don't remember them. She said it was real terrible because she didn't know why I was freaking out in the back seat at first and she couldn't get it out because my pants were in the way. I don't know exactly how she got the hooks loose.