

Active member
Sep 13, 2006
here's a tip you all should watch, never leave your magnifying glass in the Sunlight it could start a fire. lay something over it or cover it.


  • 3-25-2011 029.jpg
    3-25-2011 029.jpg
    80.9 KB · Views: 13
Fire is the last thing you need, Bob.
And never throw a dirty T-shirt into the ceiling light fixture and leave-
they will ignite-trust me on that.:}
Been there done that !!
Remember how we use to burn ants with a magnifying glass !!!

Was that your photo background you were talking about?
Yep its my photo background and tying background. As the sun was going down the light was cutting upwards. Kept smelling something in house burning thought it was a wire. finally went to shop and lo and behold a campfire was being started...LOL...Glad it wasn't shining on any of the home made glue bottles...KABOOM............
I don't have to worry about it here, the only time I get sunlight when it's just about overhead.
MKern wrote:
Fire is the last thing you need, Bob.

I don't know. He's trying to sell a house that floods every other day and move the NC/VA. Burn baby, burn!
Hey Bob... why don't you just offer to sell Don Kelly your shop? He would probably buy your entire inventory. Wouldn't that be enough seed money to have you move to someplace a bit sunny like NC or VA?
Need the inventory down south if we end up going, have to sell 2 houses first. one here and one in the catskills. have to have inventory for down there.