Vermont & New Hampshire - Fishing/Camping



Active member
Jun 25, 2012
Hey folks,

My wife and I are planning a camping trip through Vermont and New Hampshire in early July. We are tentatively planning on staying at Jamaica, Smuggler's Notch, and Crawford Notch State parks hoping they'd afford us a good opportunity to explore both states and do some outdoor activities. I was wondering if anyone has any specific recommendations when it comes to fishing - streams, shops to visit, etc. I did purchase a Fly fishing Vermont guide book, but any other info would be greatly appreciated. Is it ok to assume that most of those mountain streams will contain brookies?

Also, if anyone has any other camping recommendations, I'd love to hear them.


Much appreciated!
If you get a chance to fish the Lamoille, Gihon or Winooskie River do it. Most of the bigger rivers had good numbers of wild rainbows in the riffled sections I fished...also plenty of brown trout and a lot of smallmouth bass. Most of the mountain streams or bigger rivers in their headwaters have brook trout in them and they can be quite good. Not a whole lot different than PA... just less crowded. I would strongly suggest hiring a guide to float some of the rivers up there... there is some big water and it can be very scenic... there is just so much that you aren't going to see if you are doing it all on foot.

If you are at Smugglers Notch you aren't going to be far from Stowe... go to Alchemist Brewery and get some Heady Topper. Many, many people say its one of the best if not the best beers in the world. Also, there is a nice brewery over at the Trappe Family Lodge... very scenic over that way and interesting history of the place since that is where the Von Trappe (Sound Of Music) family first settled in the U.S because it reminded them of the Alps. I could have done without the Sound Of Music Tour but I had to keep my wife happy.

A good shop to check out would be Green Mountain Troutfitters. Down to earth shop very willing to help out. Their located along the Brewster River (nice brook trout stream) and if my memory serves me correctly I believe that dumps into the Lamoille. You could also check out the Fly Rod Shop in Stowe.

Wish I could offer more advice... the book you said you bought should also be very helpful. Good luck!
Great thoughts NickR! Thanks man. A trip to Alchemist is DEFINITELY on the list. Great stream ideas... I've never hired a guide or floated, but this might be the time to do so.
re the Winooski - its a typical Northern NE stream,

there is some nice water just below Montpelier opposite the old cemetary. I also fished some real nice water above and below Winooski Street bridge in Waterbury.

In fact, I hopped in and out of the car along river road all the way down to Duxbury rd - fishing seams and riffles and pools.

i had some luck one July with small BH PTN's and brassies dropped off x-caddis.

there's at least 3-4 miles of great river there - no posting, with easy access direct from the road or across the train tracks, and if you had time you could fish it all the way to Richmond.

water is you friend on the winnie - it can get awful low as its quite a shallow stream. if the water is low try where the creek enters in.

if the water is a little high, swinging streamers, a team of wets or a Picket Pin from the bars works, and if its very high (or very low...), try the Little River which flows out of the bottom of Waterbury Reservoir up the road - again two miles plus of water, easy access and no posting AND its not stocked so the fish are wild in there.

In NH you have the upper Andro around Errol which is big water like the Winooski, or for something more intimate and still wild bows, try the upper Wild River in the White Mountains above Jackson.

I never got to fish the Wild but it can be outstanding in June.

Again, if the rivers are very low or blown out, try the Newfound River in Bristol.

if you want a guide for the White Mountain tribs for brookies and bows, try Nate Hill at Hill Country Guides. Nate is on fly fishing in NH a lot, and is very helpful even if you don't fish with him.



Thanks man. Great information!
Nick R is spot on . Green mt. troutfitters are really great guys and know their stuff. GG
I will definitely be checking them out. Thanks for all the great information guys! I'm pretty stoked about this trip.