Valley Forge TU Meeting



Active member
Dec 10, 2006
Bryn Mawr, PA
Just a reminder that Valley Forge TU will be having our
January general meeting at the Victory BrewPub in Downingtown this Thursday starting at 6:30. This is a great little get together and the beer is pretty good too! Hope to meet some new people. Cheers !
Les, I'll be there. I'll be in a black jacket with my name on it. Which is George, byt the way. LOL Let's make sure we get to meet.

Andy, definitely looking forward to it. I've been working on my thirst all week.
Just got my VFTU renewal reminder in the mail & took it as a sign that i should go to the pub and have a pint tonight.
mcfinn wrote:
Just got my VFTU renewal reminder in the mail & took it as a sign that i should go to the pub and have a pint tonight.

I say that sounds like a capitol idea Mr McFinn. Bring the basketball and I'll sign it! :-D
A capitol idea! At least i'll be easy to spot - unless another dude shows up with a basketball and a sharpie.
To all the PAFF members I met last night, it was a pleasure. Great time and some great fun. I think February is the tying meeting and I'm really looking forward to that one!
Nice to meet you last FoxGap ! It was a nice time and we had a great turnout.
I just saw this today. Totally forgot. Hope you had fun.
foxgap and mcfinn - it was great meeting you guys at the Victory dinner. We always have a fun time at what's become an annual event.

Pleasure chatting w/various members. Also very cool was perhaps the first ever signing of the official/unofficial PAFF basketball.
Sounds like that basketball needs to get dribbled to the annual spring Jam this year. It will get marked up like a road map. :)