Valley Forge TU: Feb. 10 General Meeting



Active member
Jun 9, 2016
VFTU will hold its monthly General Meeting on Thursday, Feb 10 at 7:30 PM.
Our featured presentation will be An Evening of Fly Tying, by Matt Grobert.
Zoom link can be found HERE.
Matt will tie his favorite BWO emerger, a Little Black Stonefly dry and a black bead head Pheasant Tail, all flies you can use in the coming weeks. You can interact with him and the group and ask questions.
Matthew is a life-long resident of New Jersey. He has been fly fishing and fly tying for 50+ years, having started both at 10 years old, with borrowed equipment and tools.
The first flies he tied were the brightly colored flies shown in the fly plates in Ray Bergman’s classic book, Trout. Those flies took trout, small bass and sunfish, but it was the trout he caught that inspired him to learn more about the Catskill tradition of fly tying and fly presentation to lure trout to fur and feathers on a hook.
When Matt reached high school, classes came second to time on the water, and despite a less than stellar attendance record, he still managed to graduate on time. In the years following, he has traveled the country extensively in search of trout and a better understanding of the rivers and insects they live in.
Most recently, he is the featured fly tyer in dozens of instructional fly tying videos produced by Tightline Productions, which can be viewed on Youtube and Vimeo.
Matt published his first book in 2008 – Fly Fishing New Jersey Trout Streams. He previously wrote the weekly New Jersey Fly Fishing column for The Star Ledger, Beginners Corner for the Northeastern Fly Fishing Guide, and has appeared in Fly Fisherman and Fly Rod and Reel Magazines.
Matt is an expert fly tyer and an accomplished fly fisherman who lives to better understand aquatic insects, trout and the rivers they live in. He has been teaching all disciplines of fly fishing for over 40 years.