Valley creek



Jan 27, 2007
Was anyone out on the Valley this afternoon around 4-5pm?
Well, I was wondering because I really pissed off another fly fishermen. I am really unsure of what I truly did wrong and I would like to know so that I don't make that same mistake again.

When I say I pissed him off I mean cussing and screaming at me!

Maybe I didn't do anything wrong and he was having a bad day, or maybe I really did make a mistake. I tried to apologize for whatever it was that I did when I got back to my car, but he didn't want to do anything other than get away from me.

If you are on this board and read this post...Sorry bro for whatever it was I did to you! It was surely not intentional!!!

What could you of done? Step in his favorite hole? Cut off his flies?
I saw him fishing down stream from me while I was making my way back to my car. I have never been to Valley before and I had no idea how to get back other than follow the stream.

I was about 30ft upstream from him when I decided to get out and walk the woods until I got around him. I got back in the water down stream from him about 15-20ft and below a riff. When I re- entered the water he said something to me and took off. I went to back to my car. When I got back to the car I approached him and tried to apologize and thats when the guy got really angry!

This is all that I did, my only guess is that I spooked his hole, but I am not really to sure how I did?

I guess in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter, I just wanted to apologize and learn what my mistake really was.

Some people are just jerks or he could have been crazy. Who knows, any sane person would have told you calmly what you did wrong.
Thats what one would think!
maybe he thought you didn't give enough room, even then that's no reason to flip out and start cursing up a storm. good job controlling yourself and not gettin pissed, that woulda been tough for me.
Well, Bob, since you are known to have "the personality, patients, demeanor and calm of a Saint", not to mention always being mistaken for Brad Pit, wherever you tread, (or, so this is what you keep telling me, so it's obviously true....), I can't, figure either, what you may have done wrong!?
Except, you did mention something along the lines of...."I reentered the stream, 15 to 20 feet below him". That, actually, if one IS fishing a particular lie, is only half the normal casting range, for your average stream. So perhaps entering so close to him, he figured you'd ruined his spot!?!
An old rule of thumb, for stream etiquette, is; "To enter and leave the stream, around another fisherman, at least the distance .... of being no closer than the average flyfisher can easily cast".
(Of course, now with Spey casting is becoming so popular, THAT particular rule is going to require one to buy airfare and dig out their passport).
Oh! You, didn't perhaps, forget and wear your; "I Share My Pillows With A Lawyer", ball cap, did you? Some guys are really, really, touchy about such things ya' know!?!
But, I agree with the other posts sounds, in all probability, that the man was just a complete and total jerk. There's no reason, to go on and on about someone else's mistake, if made innocently, let alone, get so angry about it!
If this jerk had calmly and quietly, explained his upset to you, it would have been the correct way in my book, to settle the whole thing.
Who knows, Bob? Maybe he was just having a really, really, bad day. Maybe, YOU were the perfect ruse for him to use as an excuse for his lack of skills and fish catching abilities? Maybe, before you, he'd ran into Mediclimber, spoke to him and was feeling really, really, inferior about his personal liquor supply?

That was fantastic. I am guessing that I re-entered the stream to close for his liking and I will, in the future, be more conscientious of this.

FB I really think I am beginning to hone my personal skills, don't you think?


It was hard to keep quite and take the attitude from the other gentleman, but it was well worth swallowing my pride for. I just hope that if I run into him again, that I am able to speak with him. I have no hard feelings over the situation. Just a desire to have a conversation with him.

Sounds to me like he was working his way downstream, and you may have walked thru the water he was eyeing up. However, there is not reason for that kind of 'tude. Sounds like someone needs to lighten up.

I will say one of the keys to that stream, and many smaller waters, is to fish over un-fished/un-disturbed fish.
From what you said you gave him 2 minutes in either direction of undisturbed water to
Stomping along the bank not really helpful either.
100 yards if no one else around,would be nice.
I have had some really nasty confrontations with spin fishermen cutting in front of me.Bet they didn't do that again.
Thats why I fished mainly at nite,weather permitting.Only an occasional deer or herd of same,would crowd me.
when I got out of the water I didn't walk directly along the bank. I walked about 10 yards into the woods as to not spook the hole he was fishing.
Perhaps he didn't like that you were walking downstream through the water. It could've kicked up some silt and mudded his spot up.
Your also in a section of the country where people have the patience of 3 seconds and will not hesitate to instantly react aggressively to any situation, however trivial it may be. Just living in that area makes a lot of people wired for stress.

If you came that close to me while I was fishing, I would think to myself "your getting a little close there" but i would not say anything, unless you were blatantly trying to destroy my hole. Maybe try to ask or motion to someone in the future if its okay to enter the stream at some point. I usually do that, and sometimes they say "okay", but other times they will motion to me to go a little more up/downstream.
I used that tactic today, the person wasn't happy, but then again, you had to take a number to fish the stream today at Ridley!
If a guy is fishing downstream and you're not fishing you don't get back in the stream downstream from him. Sorry but you asked.
IT used to be that downstream thought they had the right of way over other anglers. I don't believe it one minute. But that is what etiquette was in the old days (when everyone fished downstream except a few).
Now, I say the upstream angler has the right of way, but I seldom see any courtesy such as this on stream these days. If I see a guy coming downstream I leave because he’s screwed it up for everyone coming after him.