Valley creek Tiger trout wild or stocked?



New member
Jun 2, 2021
So this past weekend I decided to fish the lower portion of Valley from the dam down. Throughout the track I caught what I could of swore was a stocked brown and a tiger trout. My question is are these fish wilds or stockies coming up from the Schukyll?
Nice fish. I cannot get a good look at the Brown but from what I see of general shape and color it looks wild. That is a super nice Tiger. I cannot say on that one. If not wild it looks like it has been in there a while.
My first tiger was on Valley, a bit downstream of the dam. It was about 13 years ago and I hadn’t started fly fishing yet. I think the state was stocking tigers then and it most likely swam from French or Pickering. I unfortunately can’t see your pics


  • 40D13CF3-075E-403D-8C74-61AC82590201.jpeg
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That was the tiger
That was the brown
Welcome to our online FF community, we're glad you've joined us.

Those are some nice looking trout. Large stocked tigers are present in the Delaware and Skuke watersheds. I don't know where they come from, but they move a lot and show up in the colder tribs usually around this time of year.

Wow. Incredible fish. Would of never thought to of seen that come from this stream in that stretch. Very interesting. Isn't the assumption that if that tiger was wild, there would of needed to be of been a wild or sterile brookie that bred with a brown? Since there's no natives in valley or anywhere near it, id have to go with it would of been a stocked brookie. Which is very possible with the upstream tribs like Pickering and French that get them.

But for it to of grown to that size and not never heard of for all those years seems unlikely to me?

Which leaves the last option of it was a stocked tiger from a club, and it made its way from one of the SE tribs upstream, came down the schuykill and into valley?

FYI your pics keep dissapearing after a few minutes. Probaly because of the online convert hosting site youre leveraging.

Can you relink them again with ImgBB or IMGUR ?
I have caught wild browns in that area below the dam but that was 10-12 years ago now
i cant see photos must be my browser
No, its the online-convert image sharing service hes leveraging. They auto delete themselves after 10 downloads\views. Hopefully hell reupload to IMGBB or IMGUR and re-shar.e
[url= t=_self][img][/img][/url]
Thanks for the pic advice. Hopefully that works.
Pics are there, nice fish again, Josh! Small world, :D
Nice fish.

Brown - wild
Tiger - stocked

My 2 cents.
Given the time of year and location caught, I suspect these fish are Skuke run ups as the river begins to warm. That warm snap a couple weeks ago likely had that portion of the Skuke at or above tolerable Trout temps.

This could open their origins up to just about anything in the Skuke watershed. I doubt either were long term Valley residents.

I’d lean that both are most likely stocked fish from somewhere. The Tiger more confidently than the Brown. Tail on the Tiger is pretty rough, nicely colored though. Big river Browns are tough to tell a lot of times, maybe 50/50 on the Brown. Both very nice fish. Congrats.
Lol Mute, had to be my copious amounts of camo on that gave away my identity!
I'd guess they are both stocked since from the pics and the fact according to the OP, the fish were caught below the dam. They likely came down from one of the stocked tribs to the Schuylkill and ended up near the mouth of Valley. Big trout were commonly seen and caught there throughout the years.

Both nice fish, though.