Valley Creek Spots



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Ive never fished valley creek and i think im going to give it a go. Any suggestions on flies and good holes. The only land mark i know of is the green covered bridge.
Oh yea and im usually successful and mostly fish drifting nymphs and midges sub surface with a indicator, ive heard these fish are super spooky and hard to catch, any suggestions are appreciated.
A good hole at Valley is one that looks like a good hole. Sounds stupid, but there are fish in almost every good hole. Valley gets a decent amount of fishing pressure, so the browns there tend to be picky. There is not too many mayflies there, but there is a lot of vegitation on the rocks, so if your fishing nymphs caddis larvae, cranefly larvae, midges, and scuds are generally your best bet. Your gonna have to change up your rig a lot, so be flexable and change if something isn't working after a few casts in a couple holes.

Also, because the fish see so many anglers and people walking on the streamside trail, the fish may appear normal even though they are spooked by your presence. If you see a brown and are not directly behind it, or under cover of trees/bushes, I can assure you it sees you, and even though it hasn't run for cover, there is no way it will take any fly you throw.

So, fish upstream, stay out of the water when traversing, minimize false casts, and change up your nypmh rigs frequently when they aren't working. If you don't get it right it can be a frustrating day (I've had plenty there) but if you manage to find what they want you can get a lot of really nice looking fish.