Valley Creek Preserve



Jun 30, 2018
Anyone have any experience with Valley Creek starting at this particular spot? Good access and I figure it’s much less pressured than the water that flows through the National Park.
Agreed it gets hit probably several times a weekend, though I always enjoyed that section. Very tight casting for most of it though.
It’s one of my favorites sections - yes it gets pressure. This springs high water events has changed the section pretty drastically in some areas. Some pools got filled in and some new runs have been cut out. There is one spot where the creek has completely changed direction. Always interesting how much a stream can change over a short period of time. Not necessarily a bad thing, just gotta relearn it :)
Probably about to get more pressure now...
It is pressured just like the rest of Valley. It is a tighter stream there as well, I typically use a 6’-6” or 7’ rod there, no bigger.
Probably about to get more pressure now

hopefully not, but unfortunately valley is no secret. Certainly a gem, but not a hidden one to anyone who fly fishes in the SE.

Basically if you see a fishy car parked there, just go to one of the many other stretches.

However, with that being the case- as long as anglers are respectful to each other and the land and water obviously, the more people that fish means more people with an interest to protect it. Considering the near constant development in the SE, the stream needs all the protection it can get and the more voices the creek has, probably the better it will fare in the long run.

People should be aware though that the creek runs through private land near the section in discussion and the actual preserve is a fairly short and tough stretch - the water is slow and the fish are ultra spooky - there is a lot more open water elsewhere to explore that is easier, especially if you are just starting out.

Also, there is a very unstable old man who carries a shot gun and has shot a few fisherman here by mistake :evil: it’s a veryyyyyyyy dangerous spot.
People who decimate fishing info they never had to scout or work to get remind me of "Easy come, Easy go".

springer1 wrote:
People who decimate fishing info they never had to scout or work to get remind me of "Easy come, Easy go".
I'm a little confused, could you mean disseminate?
I was simply asking about people’s opinions on a starting point at a highly pressured stream to obtain an optimal spot to focus on as this stream runs through miles of towns. Not sure what you were getting at.
I think he means people used to get out a map, scout out a water by actually driving to it and then Fish it- now people just spout out info from others that put their time in.

Go to the stream and fish it. Decide for yourself.
Sounds like we need a box of tissues in here!
I think the area being discussed was relatively secret up until 5-6 years ago. But before I moved away from the area I noticed I could never get that water to myself anymore. The word is out and has been for some time. It was well-guarded info by the regulars on here and I don't think this site played any role whatsoever in the increased pressure. Word of mouth between the thousands that fish the stream.