Valley Creek Flows/Regulations



Jun 12, 2010
Hi, I'm moving to Philly in 2 weeks. Where do you guys find the best flow information for Valley Creek, say in the park by the covered bridge? USGS? Any local stream reports?

Also, it's open year 'round, right? Granted I wouldn't be fishing eggs in reds right now.
This stream has been discussed extensively. Use the Advanced Search function to check out these threads. For reports, check the Stream Reports forum - there are numerous reports on Valley, some as recently as yesterday.
you should have just posted


USGS gauge does a great job of tracking Valley's flows. The gauge is close to the Covered Bridge. There are no serious tribs between them.
DF - Agree with lestrout. USGS gauge. You will find that it rises quickly with rain and clears up quickly. In my limited experience, it fishes better when it is a little higher and with some color. It is usually gin clear so you have be be stealthy on your approaches or have long float.

It is a tough creek to fish but the rewards are very good. Good luck.
jrj wrote:
DF - Agree with lestrout. USGS gauge. You will find that it rises quickly with rain and clears up quickly. In my limited experience, it fishes better when it is a little higher and with some color. It is usually gin clear so you have be be stealthy on your approaches or have long float.

It is a tough creek to fish but the rewards are very good. Good luck.

Very true. Once you start figuring things out you rustle up some very nice trout. Wouldn't mind catching some of those "river monsters" that come from the river.
PaulR - I fished this week below the dam and only managed 2 very small browns and did not see much of anything else let alone the "rumored" river monsters. Once I finished, i walked the creek just to see what I could kick up and saw nil. It seems fish counts are down on Valley over the past year or so. Still a great creek to fish.
jrj wrote:
PaulR - I fished this week below the dam and only managed 2 very small browns and did not see much of anything else let alone the "rumored" river monsters. Once I finished, i walked the creek just to see what I could kick up and saw nil. It seems fish counts are down on Valley over the past year or so. Still a great creek to fish.

To qualify that, I used to hear that rumor too, but then back in 2009 I fished Valley in late November for a few hours. I was up around Chesterbrook (Bradford Rd). As I was walking upstream I saw what looked large and silver under the surface and waded up to check it out thinking it was some kind of debris.

Turns out rather being debris it was a dead as a door nail "hen" - silver bodied, green with black dots on top - definitely a river brown. The tail and head were bigger than my hands and it was a long husky fish. I kind of wondered what it would have been like on a 5 weight.

I regret I had nothing to take a picture of thing with as I really couldn't believe what I was seeing. Definitely not a fish that would stay in the creek and likely roamed the Schuylkill River except during the spawn.

Anyway good to hear you had a decent trip. It is a good creek despite some of the naysayers. I've had some good days on the creek. I usually fish it from Bradford Road upstream when I come down to the area. When I lived in the area I used to fish it further up toward Malvern where I could find access.