Urgent: Help Protect the Yellow Breeches Watershed



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Got the from TU Regional VP today. Sounds worthwhile as many here fish or fished the Yellow Breeches

Hi Anglers,

Conservation groups have been working quietly for the past seven years to purchase & protect an important watershed in Cumberland County. It includes over 1,000 acres on South Mountain. Despite funding cuts at the state level, DCNR is able to provide 50% of the funds needed to acquire this property. We are seeking Federal funding for the remainder.

This is where you come in. We need to show public support for this project. Your help is needed TODAY. Below are ideas for talking points in your letter to Senator Arlen Specter.

The Federal Appropriations are being negotiated in Washington this week. We need letters of support written by residents, business and organizations to go out today.

TALKING POINTS – Use two or three of these, or writte your own:
This mountainous watershed provides 85% of the water in the Cumberland Valley.
- South Mountain is the water recharge area for municipal and residential water supplies.
- Preservation of this forestland will protect the watershed by slowing runoff and allow recharge of the groundwater.
- This purchase will protect the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, which passes through South Middleton and Monroe Townships.
- Many residents and visitors enjoy the recreational opportunities of the Appalachian Trail. It is a national treasure, often called the nations longest, skinniest National Park.
- This forested mountain should not be fragmented by more roads and development. Many species of forest fauna need large unfragmented areas.
- I want to see the South Mountain Conservation Zone protected.
- Forests are needed for air quality. At present, Cumberland
- County is in the 96th percentile for highest levels of diesel particulate matter in the country. Forest cover is needed to lessen the effects of air pollution.

Please include your full name and address, so that the Senator's office will know that you are a constituent.

Please address your e-mail to Senator Specter, but send it to the Senator's aide, Alex Halper, at alex_halper@specter.senate.gov Please send a cc or bcc to ForestCoalition@aol.com

If you have any questions please call Debra Bowman (Executive Director of Central Pennsylvania Conservancy) at (717) 233-0221 (office) or (717) 645-5873 (cell).

Many thanks,

Dick Martin

p.s. Please forward this note to others who will be willing to help.

Honorable Senator Arlen Specter

711 Hart Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Specter:

(Please rephrase) I ask for your support for a federal appropriation for the acquisition of over 1,000 acres of forest lands located in Monroe and South Middleton Township in Cumberland County.

I thank you for your support in assisting in the funding for the acquisition of this critical landscape.

Your constituent,


Will do. Now that he's a D, why wouldn't he act to protect the environment? :cool: