Unnamed Trib to E Br Brandywine: seeking board member who PM'd me



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
This is a busy time of the year in the field...May is the busiest due to non-stop muskellunge, shad, and striper work combined with long hours. Generally speaking, don't expect a quick PM response.

Someone PM'd me about a specific unnamed trib to the E Br Brandywine, but that PM was lost in the site clean-up. So, if you are the one who asked about that trib, email me at the office mkaufmann@pa.gov, where I keep the info you sought.
I think I know who it could have been, he's in potter county this weekend. I'll make sure he sees this.
Yeah, that was me Mike. Don't worry about it, Sarce have me some info on it. Thanks.