Unknown fly



Apr 24, 2012
Ok sorry no pictures cause I am not allowed cameras or cellphones in work. I was outside and seen A mayfly today that completely befuddled me. It was a male definitely with big white eyes, a yellowish thorax, a clear-like abdomen with a brown tipped end, 2 tails with little pincer like things at the end and mottled wings. Unsure what it is but any help would be useful. Plus seen a couple large brown mayflies flying around as well couldn't catch one but also didn't want to look like an idiot on camera as well. Sorry I couldn't be more descriptive.
The big eyes and the pincers mean male.

Without a picture there's no way to really know for sure. But based on your description I'll go with maccafertium modestum or terminatum.




Yes the Modestum is exactly right. They were flying around the Juniata river over at work the other night.
This question brings up an important idea when identifying may flies. He calls this mayfly; Male Maccaffertium modestum (Cream Cahill).
When you type in the search box cream cahill you get this; Maccaffertium mediopunctatum (Cream Cahill). The first is a very different fly from the second. Size is perhaps the biggest difference, the first fly isn't even a 1/4 inch long, 5 mm while the second fly is over a 1/2 inch long, 13.5 mm. Without a picture I wouldn't bet on either but it could also be P. mollis wich is probably the most proliftic hatch of small flies this time of the year 3/8 inch or 8 mm. Size is everything.
2 tails with little pincer like things at the end and mottled wings.

it could also be P. mollis

That was my first thought too, as they often have the clear abdomen. But P. Mollis has plain wings and 3 tails.
I can't argue that you are wrong, I'm simply pointing out there are many flies that look similar and have clear bodies.
True. Usually, if not always, the spinner stage.