
  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Caught 10/22/2017 7:45am NEPA







How long? Even a rough estimate.

Beautiful. Awesome brookie.
Holy crap!
Wow! That really is amazing.

Looks to be well over a foot in length based off the rod. Also very healthy, heavy bodied, and nearly physically perfect.

That is indeed a fish to remember.
That is indeed a beautiful fish.

Keep em' wet. I'll leave it at that.
Pure Goodness.

Thats a incredible fish. Congrats on that.

Nice one.

I was hiking with my wife this past Sat. in the Pocono area along a brookie stream so I decided to bring a rod along with me to take a few casts in nice pools along the way.

In one small pool I saw a nice brookie just sitting in the middle of the pool, had to be easily 11-12". I took one cast over the fish with my dry fly, he nosed up at the fly, and just at that moment my wife walks up to the pool and the fish takes off. I guess I need to teach her the finer aspects of stealth . . .
OP: Awesome! Love it!
I must have looked at these photos three or four times today- I can't get over how amazing that fish is!!!
What I want to know is, where did you get that tiny rod and reel.


Awesome fish.

Helluva catch.
C'mon! Who posts that pic without some stats lol. Could be 12 could be 16".
Glad you guys are taken back by this fish.

A little more info. The fish is in a 5'-10' trickle that runs into a larger warm water river. I have fished this stream 10 times in 10 years. During the summer/fall 1trip and during the spring/winter 1trip.
Every summer and fall this guys suddenly appear. Right now this fish and 3 others in the 12" range at least are in the creek. It is my belief that these are seasonal migrating brook trout who spend part of their time in the river. There is no way this creek produces the size and numbers of brook trout I have caught there.

There are other thoughts and observations I have on the topic but I'll leave it at that as not to reveal too much information.

I left the size out to avoid debate, but what the hey.
Rod mark was at 15.5"

I'm calling it 15"