Unconventional Fishing



Dec 2, 2006
Hello All:

Went with my daughter and tinkered around in a local creek. Water had some flow to it so I would prospect a run or pool with the green weenie and then I would leave my daughter to prospect for crayfish and critters with her minnow net. As usual, she took her trusty blue bucket and caught a few minnows as we wet waded downstream. Well it was time to go and we took a look at what she caught. She said "Dad, I think I caught a native!." I'm thinking no way, probably was a stone darter or something. Low and behold she catches it out of the bucket and I'm seeing orange fins, parr marks and red dots over silver! Holy heck, it appeared to be a 2-3 inch native. Of course the fish release at the end of this outing took a little extra care in releasing the contents of the bucket into the deepest run in the stretch. So, on this trip the fly rod was bested by the minnow net! Go figure! It's amazing what kids can do!

Wild brown trout not native Brooke. Very cool experience with your daughter tho!
I guess technically you are correct! Don't know why but I call all wild trout "natives". lol!
Pretty cool, and nice little "native". Hopefully he beats the heat.
LetortAngler wrote:
Pretty cool, and nice little "native". Hopefully he beats the heat.

My thoughts exactly.