Unassessed Waters Initiative



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
For those hesitant to get on board with granting the PFBC a license fee increase after 15 years, read this article about a very important iniative that has been ongoing for 10 years now.

Unassessessed Water Initiative
I read this article and see where the landowner can do anything they want with their land but would have to file for a permit to explain how the land will be used.....looks like another state over reach program in the making to me. I am all for protection of trout streams, clean water and wild trout but as a landowner I would like more details before I would ever support this program that has permit constraints attached to it.

Any entity proposing to impact aquatic resources in the state of PA has to apply for a chapter 105 water obstruction and encroachment permit. For small projects such as bank stabilization, agricultural ford crossings, driveway culverts, etc. general permits are available that are cheaper, less intensive applications and reviewed within a shorter timeframe than project requiring a joint permit. Joint permits are needed for projects that alter flood elevations, significant wetland impacts, large scale stream/floodplain restoration, etc. In watersheds that support wild trout, greater protection exists for hydraulically connected wetlands, time of year restrictions from instream construction are implemented to protect spawning trout. This is a relatively basic overview of chp 105 permitting as referenced in the article.
These are not new rules and have been in please for decades. Having a better dataset of streams that support wild trout provides the state agencies to better protect those resources.