Ultra Wire Substitute?



May 18, 2009
Just curious if anyone out there has anything that they use instead of Ultra Wire that is similar? I'm trying to find different colors than what is readily available, any suggestions would be great.
Craft shops have color coated wire and many shops have wire.

However, I use ultra wire -- $2 isn't that bad.
It's NOT the price, I want different colors. I will check the craft stores, though. I was just concerned with the durability of the stuff they would sell at craft stores. Thank You.
What colors are you looking for? Just curious?

Ultra wires come in everything from blue, to chartruse, and in 4 sizes.

I've though about buying the stuff from craft stores, but wasn't sure of the quality. Plus $10 on one package seems worse than 5 spools of ultra -- I'm weird.
I want a true Purple. I use Wine now, but it isn't Purple. I know nothing I've ever seen, in the water, is Purple, but sometimes it works well. If wire is that expensive at the craft stores, I might just stay away. Different shades of Blue would be nice, as well.
All of the wire in craft stores I've seen that resembles fly tying wire is sold in packs with multiple colors.

Whe I worked at Hille's they had wire (really old) and I think there was purpleish color; might be worth a call.
take silver and coat with a purple marker, then spray with a light coating (fixative) should work..
Thanks, sandfly I will give it a try ASAP. I have lots of silver wire to mess around with. If I can I'll post the results.
sandfly wrote:
take silver and coat with a purple marker, then spray with a light coating (fixative) should work..

I tried the markers before with mixed results, the coating should do the trick. Good tip Sandy.
Tuna what exactly do you want to use the wire for? Ribbing or to build the abdomen such as in a copper john? Just curious. Understanding how you are intending on using it might also help others to chime in with alternative suggestions.

Wapsi Website doesn't to list purple, but they have Wine as you had referenced.

Amazon has purple wire at a reasonable price, but I'm unsure of the quality or precise color.
I use it for Copper Johns and Brassies in different colors.
If you don't mind sharing TUNA what color brassies work best for you and generally what sizes? I tie and carry brassies but never tied one on. Forgive my ignorance I never watched a video on tying one but do you tie the wire in on top of the shank or the side? Doing so on top creates an egg shape that just doesn't look right to me. Thanks Corey
I actually just wrap the wire around the shank of the hook, no thread base. Start by the bend wrap up, leaving enough room for peacock herl, and the bead of course. If you wrap and keep pushing the wire back in to the vise it stays really tight, just break or cut off the extra wire that you don't use and form the tag end around the shank of the hook. I usually use 18-22, but sometimes a 16, and Blue and Olive have been working for me lately. I think it looks like so form of a midge that's probably why they've been working.