UGI says region (Scranton/Wilkes Barre) will be first to go all-Marcellus



Feb 17, 2011
43, August 22, 2011

Came across this today...
This is a positive thing imo. Shouldn't the residents of the area benefit for the raping of their land?

"The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission compels natural gas retailers to get the best prices possible, and is also encouraging the companies to use gas produced in the state. About 60 percent of a consumer's gas bill reflects commodity costs, including transportation and a state's natural gas severance tax, which is passed on by the gas companies."

60% of the bill is related to transportation and severance. If you've got a well in your back yard and you live in PA you've got neither. Enjoy the 60% reduction in your gas bill.

*Let us know how that works out for ya!
yep, better to use it here, give the people a break on the cost, than to export what we have and then import what we need, which never made any sense to me.