U.S. Forest Service Prohibits Shell Oil From Using Forest Water



Feb 17, 2011
Found this today... A new stance on the subject...

the forest service has been trying different angles to try and limit the drilling in the forest, but it will only delay the inevitable.
I was recently riding around the forest roads on my motorcycle, I couldn't believe the number of white trucks with texas plates everywhere. they easily outnumbered other vehicles 4 or 5 to one. trust me, the people in these white trucks weren't out bird watching. they were surveying, marking trees to be removed along roads, marking new access roads, etc.
some of these roads are tiny, little more than trails, most with grass growing on them. that will soon change, they will be 40 foot wide gravel highways.
and the creeks? we'll just have to wait and see.
I fully expected the Feds to step into this at some point giving the whoring the PA Legislature and Executive Branches have been practicing in regards to this activity.

Good for them.

I hope McLaughlin rules for the Forest Service.
The northern tier's scenic forest roads are merely the ground works for the drillers. Been there! Seen it!

Jim Kearney
trout17... how RIGHT you are!!
I never like when the feds get involved with state issues...their scientists are really no smarter than the states...they can just take more of your money to waste faster!!!
Asking the epa to get involved is like requesting the irs to get involved in your business, not a big fan of this....just my $.02
Spoken like a paid employee of a gas drilling company devoid of any original thought.
I'd say it's spoken much more like a strong proponent of states' rights. It's a position that, despite my sympathy for it, I outright disagree with in this context.

I don't think it helps our cause to try to claim that any contrary opinion is a result of astroturfing, as tempting as it may be.
Missy wrote:
Spoken like a paid employee of a gas drilling company devoid of any original thought.

Your naivete is is showing. I have dealt with the EPA and the feds a number of times over the years on different issues. When they say they are going to help with a problem all they do is request manpower and info from the state and from the industry they are dealing with.

Your reliance on government is telling.

Let me ask you this...are you involved with the Marcellus Shale Protest from the Pittsburgh area? Run by socialists and anti industry people that could care less about anything except stopping all industry. I ask because you spout the same anti fracing rhetoric that comes from these people.
Wow gudgeonville socialists and anti industry that's original. It is all too easy in the current political climate to throw those classifications around to get people to be on your side or your companies side I should say.

When you say the EPA did not help when you dealt with them is that because the company you work for ended up receiving a fine for a pollution event?
gudgeonville, there are those of us on here that just don't like this industry, for various reasons. As for myself, I hate it, simple as that. I'm not going to benefit one bit from it, but I will have to deal with the trucks and noise and all the other crap that goes with it. And parts of the national and state forests that I love to visit will be forever off limits due to wells being put there.
I also fear the tearing apart of comunities that was mentioned elsewhere in this forum. I've already seen it, and the drilling here is just beginning.
having said that, I do read pro-drilling websites and magazines, as well as conservation minded sites and magazines. there are people on here that are involved with the industry whose opinions and information I highly respect. I also understand those that fear this industry and the changes that are coming. you call these people socialists, but I guess it's ok for the drilling companies to attempt to get legislation passed for forced polling? hmmm, take away individual rights and let government and industry tell these people that they WILL give up there gas rights? THAT sounds socialist to me.
bikerfish wrote:
gudgeonville, there are those of us on here that just don't like this industry, for various reasons. As for myself, I hate it, simple as that. I'm not going to benefit one bit from it, but I will have to deal with the trucks and noise and all the other crap that goes with it. And parts of the national and state forests that I love to visit will be forever off limits due to wells being put there.
I also fear the tearing apart of comunities that was mentioned elsewhere in this forum. I've already seen it, and the drilling here is just beginning.
having said that, I do read pro-drilling websites and magazines, as well as conservation minded sites and magazines. there are people on here that are involved with the industry whose opinions and information I highly respect. I also understand those that fear this industry and the changes that are coming. you call these people socialists, but I guess it's ok for the drilling companies to attempt to get legislation passed for forced polling? hmmm, take away individual rights and let government and industry tell these people that they WILL give up there gas rights? THAT sounds socialist to me.

You can hate the industry, that is fine, but you do benefit from it. We all use petroleum products, plastics, medicines. Yes there is noise, but those trucks are jobs to people. The national and state forests are not off limits...yes they are drilling now, but once the rig is gone and the locations reclaimed you wont even know the pad is there unless you happen upon it.

As for the socialism, I did not call all against the drilling socialists, BUT, there is a group of protesters from Pittsburgh. Marcellus Shale Protest = Green Party activists = socialism. just look up the Green Party candidate for US senate, same guy running the protest blog, so yes they are socialists. they are anti industry. And they are not trying to get responsible drilling they are doing all in their power to stop all drilling.
the problem is, the rig will simply move from that well pad to the next one, 2 miles up the road, and this will continue for the next 20 or 30 years, all across the region.
you can have it, I don't want it. I'm at the stage in life where I want quality. I want to wake up in the morning to peace and quite, good fishing, nice roads to ride my motorcycle on. I do not want to wake up every morning in the middle of an industial park. just not my idea of a good time.
so, drill your your heart out. with any luck, I'll be gone from here sooner rather than later.
Lol! My husband and I had a good laugh about your last comment! Nope, not a member of any Green Party! Not a socialist either...or a communist...or any -ist of any kind. Did you even read what I wrote? Perhaps you should reread it. Am I against the Marcellus Shale drilling industry? Absolutely, and I think I've made that clear and for obvious reasons. The research, pictures, visits to areas now home to wells, and facts don't lie. Do I think it will go away? No, I have no illusions about that. Did you tell the Amish that they will benefit from gas drilling? Do you understand that PA is a state, to a large extent, built on an agrarian community and tourism? Do you think we are so desperate for jobs that we should accept any employment that is offered? Shouldn't we be allowed to have our own thoughts, ideas, and standards? Funny thing...a friend of mine, not an -ist of any kind either-was told that her neighbor's son recently QUIT his wonderful welding job with Range Resources because he couldn't stand how unethical (look that word up) the whole thing was, from the waiver of confidentiality to the behavior that he saw at the well site where he was working. If anything, you've made me more firmly attached to what I believe in...and made me chuckle. Thanks for that! On a side note, why did you name yourself Gudgeonville?
I take back my previous comment after what ensued. Well, I still don't think it's astroturfing, just regurgitation of extreme right wing propaganda.
on a lighter note, I have been called a hedonist before! :-D
Missy wrote:
Lol! My husband and I had a good laugh about your last comment! Nope, not a member of any Green Party! Not a socialist either...or a communist...or any -ist of any kind. Did you even read what I wrote? Perhaps you should reread it. Am I against the Marcellus Shale drilling industry? Absolutely, and I think I've made that clear and for obvious reasons. The research, pictures, visits to areas now home to wells, and facts don't lie. Do I think it will go away? No, I have no illusions about that. Did you tell the Amish that they will benefit from gas drilling? Do you understand that PA is a state, to a large extent, built on an agrarian community and tourism? Do you think we are so desperate for jobs that we should accept any employment that is offered? Shouldn't we be allowed to have our own thoughts, ideas, and standards? Funny thing...a friend of mine, not an -ist of any kind either-was told that her neighbor's son recently QUIT his wonderful welding job with Range Resources because he couldn't stand how unethical (look that word up) the whole thing was, from the waiver of confidentiality to the behavior that he saw at the well site where he was working. If anything, you've made me more firmly attached to what I believe in...and made me chuckle. Thanks for that! On a side note, why did you name yourself Gudgeonville?

I did not call you a socialist, I asked if you followed the preaching of the protest group from Pgh that is RUN by socialists. I have been involved with this industry for 36 years and there are always unscrupulous people in every industry. I am not seeing the unethical behavior you speak of. And I do not know your friends neighbors son but there are people let go, fired by these companies if the employee acts unethically on these well sites. That is just as plausible an explanation.

i spent many years fishing Elk Creek in Erie County, was gonna use Devils Backbone but figured you anti's would have a field day with that. :p
So you used the name of a historic bridge in Girard that was destroyed by arson in 2008. Interesting... I've wasted enough time with you.
Missy wrote:
So you used the name of a historic bridge in Girard that was destroyed by arson in 2008. Interesting... I've wasted enough time with you.

You asked why and I told you. I crossed that bridge more times than I can count and it's a shame that it was destroyed.

I can assure you that I nor the drilling industry had anything to do with the arson...although I can't speak for the fracing of wells in Lycoming County having anything to do with it. :p

rolls eyes

be done, thats what most of the anti's do....hold your breath till you turn blue when you can't prove a point