Tying Stoneflies ?



Active member
Oct 25, 2008
York County Pa
I haven't been fishing much lately so I've been doing some tying. I don't have years of experience or an assortment of books on tying so I kind of guess how I should be tying flies. I do have one book so I know the basic components and methods to make a fly. So from there, I just get creative or stick to the patterns I know. Sometimes I'll try something new and it doesn't always come out the way it was supposed to. But because I don't know a lot of patterns I play around alot and probaby am getting it close with the wrong materials. Today I tried to tie a stonefly. I started with dark brown thread, and wrapped it in lead then I tried to make a split tail with biots? I tied in a long turkey feather out the front then I dubbed it with black kinda like a hare's ear. Then I folded back the turkey feather for the case. I don't know how your supposed to make the legs so instead of cutting the rest of the turkey feather I kind of interweived it into position with the thread. That's the best I can do don't know any other way. That's why my stuff is a little different. I just take my time cause until I figure out myself I have to guess at it. Is this a good enough stonefly or does it look like something else.
The only comment I have is that stones have only six legs...nothing wrong with what you are tying its just extra work...I'd fish it..
Even though fish spend a lot of their lives in schools, they can't count. :-D

That fly looks pretty good to me - I'd fish it too....
If you go to the jam, I'd trade you something for a few of them.
Like I said...the fish won't care but it might save you a few minutes per fly...
I just finishedying another one it looks neater and has six legs, but for some reason I like the first one just as much it looks buggier. My second one has a bead and lead. Takes me like 20 minutes to make one.
I bent the turkey feather legs into shape with my fingers. I wonder how long I can fish it before they fall off.
I also wanted a thicker twin tail, so I stripped a hackle feather and snipped two pieces and tied them in, so the one side is a little thicker than the other. Also the first one was tied on a #12 3x long curved nymph hook. The second one on a # 10 streamer hook.
Hell, I'd eat that one...you could try tying a knot in them like hopper legs to keep that shape but since i've never seen one from under water floating by I'm not sure how much difference it would make...I think we should make sure he's in the next swap so we can get some of those...
I just started tying this year I got a crappy starter vice and am always breaking the thread, but I always was kind of good with drawing, painting, carving and all that crafty stuff. I carved a brook trout in high school and won first grand prize at the local Harford Fair. It had no paint just wood burnt and finished. But I really take my time takes me a long time cause I'm slow like that.
now try tying that pattern in a sz 16! lol. Would be good for the early black stone in April.

BTW nice tie!
Your stoneflies look excellent. You can "joint" the legs to keep 'em bent forward if you plan on framing the fly under glass but for fishing - just let 'em stream back, they'll catch fish just fine.
Nice fly. Great profile. If it were me, I would tie it with rubber legs for more movement. I think the trout would go crazy for that fly. Good luck.
For a rookie that fly looks great! I've been hunting for a stonefly pattern that I like and you finally showed me one! If you can get 20 of those tied up by Feb 15th maybe Bruno will let you "slide into" the swap. I vote let him in!
Looks great and will surely catch a ton of fish.

If I can add 2 suggestions:
1: Use larger hooks, especially when fishing in late May through June (Like sz. 6 3x long natural nymph bend)
2: The legs should come out of the thorax.
excellent fly, i also would use rubber legs for movement
Where's the swap at. I have a bunch of "Jake's Earthworm" or "Jakes Heavy Worm" tied. They are simple but unique. I suppose I could tie a bunch of Those "turkey feathered stoners". I live in York don't know if I could make it. If it's at the Outdoor Show I'm like ...Beavis & Butthead would say.... Ah huh huh huh huh, were there dude!
Which reminds me , (Beavis & Butthead) with all this bad cold weather and ice maybe I should be "couch fishing".
JakesLeakyWaders wrote:
Which reminds me , (Beavis & Butthead) with all this bad cold weather and ice maybe I should be "couch fishing".

I did it once as a kid. No lie. I snagged a bush next to my neighbor's house and had to go get it without my mom finding out what I was up to.