Tying log


Dec 1, 2006
There is a post on the general forum about keeping a fishing log. Does any keep a tying log? I like to tie new or different versions of flies. When I tie something that is new or different I note it in my log, then after I have fished the fly I note the success or lack there of...
Interesting idea, how do you keep this log? pen and paper, excel or some other spreadsheet, web?

you certainly have my attention here

I like the idea. I keep a ring notebook at my bench. It has all of my patterns written down in it. I also have a box with a lot tagged flies to use as tying examples. Some of my example flies are purchased, some made by me. I keep a separate fishing log that travels with me.
I use a spiral notebook like jerserygeorge. Each page has a list the materials, tying instructions and most of the time a drawing of either the fly or stages of the fly as it is being tied. I also keep a box dedicated for special flies all taged and referenced in the book.
It is interesting to look back at what you tied over the past couple of years.
I have seveal data bases i use..one is the mustad program, another is super fly data...All in all i have close to 30,000 patterns in my collection(books,magazines,printouts and data bases)..I keep adding all the time.....
mustad has software?

and there is software designed specifically for a fly tying log?

I set it up ...it looks like it would be cool...there's lots of stuff already in there but you could spend an awful lot of time filling in blanks.
I keep a three ring binder with pictures, a description on how to tie the fly and what success I had with the fly.
I keep a memory and an internet connection, as well as a few books.

Then again, I've been criticized for never taking notes in school or at work.