Tying foam?



Feb 20, 2007
Meadville, Crawford County
What kind of foam is used for tying flies? Is it the craft foam you get at the craft or fabric stores? I tried the craft store stuff and my flies sunk like a brick. May have been my use of said foam or tying technique! I tried tying some small ants that sunk and tried to wrap a foam body for a comparadun and it also sunk. Am I over stretching the foam and pushing the air out? Any help here is appreciated.

Same stuff, but you can spend 2x as much at a fly shop if you want.

Don't compress it, that defeats teh point of the cells inside it.
jreichel wrote:
Am I over stretching the foam and pushing the air out? Any help here is appreciated.


I think you are on the right track. Did that myself. Kind of like compressing insulation. Doesn't work right.
Craft store foam works just as well as the product you buy at a fly shop and cost alot less. Also while you are there check out the glass bead selection.
Yup, same stuff (much cheaper in craft stores).

By some sheets of the white foam and you can colorize it with permanent "Sharpie" pens.
Fishidiot wrote:
Yup, same stuff (much cheaper in craft stores).

By some sheets of the white foam and you can colorize it with permanent "Sharpie" pens.

Be aware, I believe Sharpies are water soluble.

But I like this approach. If you're serious about tying with foam, but a few, nice, water-proof markers in the appropriate colors. I'd imagine you could get away with under 10 colors.
you can also use less dense foam. If you have the time and patience, get some of the wrap around pipe insulation and cut strips for ants. This is less dense and floats better. Do not wrap the thread too tight or you'll cut it.
Thanks everyone. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. So I will try not wraping/stretching it so tight and see how that goes.

Thanks again
wsender wrote:
Be aware, I believe Sharpies are water soluble.

I've used Sharpies for years - they're "permanent." The colors will fade out of a foam fly with some use or sunlight exposure. The porous surface of foam makes it hold colors from magic markers fairly well. These sorts of pens don't work well for hard, non-porous surfaces.
Keep in mind if you are tying small flies like ants they might not float because the hook and wet thread will out weight the floatabiliy of the foam.

I prefer to buy foam in different colors; and hey it's cheap. Why spend the time coloring the foam when you could be tying the second fly.

However, markers are a key tying tool and have many applications and I do color foam with them when I can't find the color of foam I want.
Be sure that you're using closed cell foam, make sure that you can't blow through it. Plenty of foam at Walmart or craft stores that you can use and will cost much less then fly shops.
I prefer to use the Wapsi 1/8”(3mm) fly foam for ants, beetles, and many other flies. This foam is better quality than craft store/fly shop 2mm foam. Besides the obvious difference in thickness, the foam is softer and less dense. A single strand of this foam will float heavier hooks when the 2mm foam doesn’t. A single strand of this foam when cut wide enough will float 1/0 bass flies with rubber legs, glass rattles, zonker tails, and weed guard.

I also use the 2mm foam when stacking/doubling colors and purchased one red foam sheet recently at Joanne Fabrics that does not spring back to shape once compressed. I’m not sure if it is a color specific issue or change in quality. I never had problems with 2mm craft store foam in the past. Check your foam before buying like checking all fly tying materials.
Sharpies are good, but for more color selection get Pantone markers. They are permanent and come in hundreds of colors.
when i tie foam ants ill do them in 14 thru 18 and a little hackle doesnt hurt either as legs