Two Perry County Creeks? little help!



Active member
Dec 20, 2006
I will be heading down to Perry county area some point this spring. I have a friend that lives down that way and two creeks that came up were Fowler Hollow Run (approved trout water) and nearby Shaeffer Run (Class A wild). I figured this would be the best of both worlds, try for some stockies and if things were a little too cold, I could try for some natives. I have never fished these two creeks before, nor do I know anyone who has. I am usually pretty good with what flies to use, but id feel a little more confident if I knew a little more about the two waterways I will be fishing. I could not find anything on the net about either.

Has Anyone fished either? or know any one who has?

Any info would be greatly appreciated, and you can pm me if you have any info that you don't want to put up on the forum. Thanks again! and happy 2007!
I've fished Shaefer up in the state forest (the headwaters are in the Brook Trout Program). Through there it's a fairly small creek. It can run pretty shallow and very clear. Stealth would be the most important factor in your success.

I parked near the Big Spring camp (see the DCNR page). There is a small bridge crossing the stream and some pulloffs there.

The stream is not a "mountain" stream, in the sense that there are no cascading runs and plunge pools (that I saw). There are some nice pools and lots of cover. It's surprisingly "open" for casting. The trout were definately "headwaters" sized. I caught fish that ranged from 3 to 6" and got hits from fish that were too small to hook as well. Very pretty stream, and it shouldn't matter what fly you choose. Those little guys are scared and hungry. So use whatever you want, and keep out of sight.
Dear 5footfenwick,

I've fished both of those streams as well as some others in the same vicinity. They are small streams and Shaeffer in particular had a lot of deadfalls along the stream so be prepared to climb and scramble up and over, or walk a long way around, a lot of downed trees. Apparently the floods of Fall 2005 hit that area pretty hard.

The fish weren't anything to write home about but they were numerous and as dumb as any brook trout you can find. A size 14 Humpy or Stimulator is all you need as far as flies go. You really don't need waders because there really aren't many places where you will be standing in the water to cast. Most pools are best fished from back on the bank a ways. Wading boots help offer protection when walking over rocky uneven ground though.

PM me if you want anymore information.

Tim Murphy :)
The above info pretty much sums up the fishing on these two steams. But Fowler's Hollow is also know as Rattler's Hollow if you get my drift.............however if it is still cool out, we will call it Fowler's.........good luck if you go BTW Sherman's fishes better.
I like both those streams but wouldn’t discount Big Buffalo or Sherman’s Creek. They are larger streams, and I have caught native browns out of both. I did really well last spring on the big Buffalo with #12/14 March Brown wets. There are a lot of worm chuckers after the season opener but I can still find places where there are more deer tracks than people tracks along the banks. Also, the Little Juniata Creek runs from New Bloomfield to Duncannon it’s a stocked stream but there is a good population of native browns and they stocked fingerling rainbows this fall.
Tight lines,
I believe the winner of the Harrisburg Patriot Big fish came from Shaeffer run and was caught last February.
riverwhy wrote:
I believe the winner of the Harrisburg Patriot Big fish came from Shaeffer run and was caught last February.

I'm told the winners of that contest generally lie about where they catch those fish. I can't say I would blame them.
If they weren't lying I bet that "big" fish came from the mouth of Shaeffer where it dumps into Bull Run.

The biggest fish I ever caught there would hardly qualify for big fish status anywhere except a guppy tank.