

Sep 11, 2006
Just reading through the PA regulations book and a thought came to mind.
1) With the two openers, how many of you, which typically attend opening day, will take advantage of the two openers.
-For example I live in Franklin Co (March 31), you can be sure of it that I will be driving April 14 to Fulton Co., I am just wondering how many of you are like me?

2) PAF&B use to release info on how many trout they dump into each stream. For whatever reason they stopped, maybe because people were keeping count, it would be interesting to see if "border counties" received a larger allotment because of increased pressure. I believe many anglers are going to take advantage of this season and can imagine that in counties were the division line has been drawn, those respective border counties will see more anglers and less fish.
It doesn't effect me as I'd have to drive 3.5 hours to fish the early opening day, but I think it will cause additional crowding in both areas on their respective opening days because many anglers believe that fishing immediately after heavy opening day stockings is the cat's meow and they will travel eastward for the early opener and westward for the latter. I have learned that whenever you have what you think is a "great idea" half the world is thinking the same thing.
It doesn't bother me because I fish all year around anyway. Most of the time the streams are special regs. so all year fishing is allowed.
Plus I don't keep fish.
I used to have a secret 1st day spot where literally some years there were 20 or less people on the whole stretch of stream. Last year the PFBC decided that finding fishing spots was too hard for the average fisherman so they posted several suggested locations on their website. Our little spot was one of them. My buddy and I got there at 7:20,after years of showing up at 5:30 and being alone. There were at very very least 100 cars parked at the bridge. We left and headed for the mountains, which is where we fish the rest of the year. We caught some nice natives, so it was all good, but even later in the year when we went back to our first day spot the fishing was marginal at best. I'm pretty sure the biggest stocking on that creek is pre-season, and there is very little if any natural reproduction on this stream. This year it is in a border county, and I'm sure the PFBC will advertise it again, so I'm not sure if I'll even take the day off to fish for the same fish I've been catching since last April when I got tired of stockies. Kinda bums me out when they jack with my traditions. Sorry for the rant it's just depressing a tad. On the plus side the wife and I will be going to state college to see the PBR event on April 14th, so maybe I actually will hit 2 openers, depending on how many Mad Mex margaritas we have the night before. So in summary, I either will and/or will not be hitting either one or both, but possibly neither nor one of the opening days. Definitely.

I don't know if I have the energy for two opening days.

It's usually my only chance to hook up with old friends from before we all dispersed ourselves throughout the state for college/jobs.... it's also the only time I spin fish. I'll throw spinners for the first three hours. Once the crowds clear, you can absolutely nail them on a hair's ear or green weenie! Regardless, it's a long night and an equally long day, what with the all nighters and copious alcohol/coffee.

I've been toying with the idea of skipping it for the first time since I was a kid... I just don't like the crowded spin fishing scene anymore, but I realized that it's not all about catching fish the way I want. It's about meeting up with people that I grew up with and knocking back a few and getting rowdy.

Again, my liver only allows one a year!

Sorry for the rambling post that really doesn't address the topic. It just got me thinkin about the opener.
Being active in TU, I hear of landowner complaints about fishermen all the time. And when I heard of the two opening day scenario it gave me a panic attack. I'm sure there will be a huge crossover in the border counties. And as crazy as people act on opening day in their own neighborhoods, they are going to be a lot worse when they in someone else's back yard. In addition, guys who didn't post because they didn't mind cleaning up (at it's the landowners who clean up99% of the garbage) after a dozen guys are going to be livid when they see two dozen in their backyard.

I guarantee that there will be more posted properties in the border counties as a result of this.
No need to speculate on whether or not angling pressure will increase in the border counties due to the double opening days. This will be measured in the field.