


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dave if it wouldn't be to much trouble I think we should do a section on the forum or a stickied thread with fly tying tutorials and also a stickied thread with basic info for noobs/beginners looking to start fly fishing .
Just Saying ........

JackM wrote Fred, I think what posters of tutorials should do is to title their thread like this "Tutorial: Cress Bug" Then a search for the word tutorial will bring all these together for the user. Eventually, we could make a sticky that provides links such as:
I think that if this were to be done, some sort of quality standard would have to be enforced. I think that at the very least, a step by step photo guide should be required.
I agree also I believe that the Tutorials should be locked from others posts to protect it from posters like Little J ;-)
I think you are making a job for someone who will have to manage, organize, approve and edit this new section. If one of the mods wants to that its fine. If not I liked Jacks suggestion. I do think they shod be posted only in the Fly Tying Forum though and only one thread per fly. If there are multiple tutorials for the same fly, they should all be in the same thread.

I like this idea of helping support those new to the sport. The first thing I'll ask if anyone feels they want to write something for the site please let me know. I would love to contributions to the blog especially in the "Getting Started" section. Just please pm me and we can get something going.

I have wanted to do more in this area to help and let me look into a few ideas before I announce anything. To change or add anything I would like to keep it in the framework of the existing functionality of the site.

Feel free to share some ideas. Our answers may be right in front of us already.

Thank you
What tom says is true and why I usually make alternative suggestions when people ask for new forums or stickies. The mods and Dave have enough work to do. Users can help by learning the search function capabilities and then we can always make edits to titles to help the process.
All you would have to do is lock the threads once their posted and add a section right next to the fly swaps and just place all the links there . I don't think it would be that hard I would do it for you if you gave me the rights :-D
The way the site is set the forums are intended for conversation and very dynamic. New stuff on top old stuff gets shoved in the basement. All easily found with a search.

I kind of think stickies are best used to provide direction. Too many stickies gets unwieldy.

Other parts of the site hold content like the blog and items found in the site menu.

Blogs are less dynamic and can be put into categories.

Site menu items are pretty hard and fast. They are important and not that dynamic.

I like the idea of things for beginners. Does it have to be just about tying?
Dave I would like to have something for both tying and new fly fishers .
For what its worth, I think Fred is talking about something similar to salmoncrazy's "Fly Recipes" forum.


I think they employ entirely too much granularity in their forums, but I can see the use for a formal recipe page. As you can see, anyone can post in the forum, but the quality submissions are stickied. I think that there needs to be set moderation guidelines for what qualifies for a sticky, and I am almost positive that feelings will be hurt, but the results are nice.
On second look, I guess just Loren Williams gets stickied. Regardless, if we could arrange some kind of decision making process to determine what gets "published" as a sticky, it would be technically possible.

Of course, there is work involved, and I completely understand the arguments against it. Just figured I'd give a working example.
I have a solution I think. Any tyer that puts up a tutorial should list it in his/her signature line.
That is kinda like what I think we need but I don't want people to be able to post on them just what this site does
I am looking into this and trying a beginner type forum with some tying stuff associated? Nothing to roll out, but wanted to let you know it was still something I want to do.