Turkey Trout



Jul 23, 2007
Anybody have a double???
Does a turkey club sandwich and a brownie count?
I have not, and have given up turkey hunting, as it adversely affects my fishing time, but when I did, I always saw big brookies while turkey hunting, and almost once per season for several years had a large gobbler either walk past me or fly over me.

I heard 2 shots this morning at 640. But I'm not fishing today so it won't count as a double. I always wanted to get a double though, it would be fun.
MattBoyer wrote:
I have not, and have given up turkey hunting, as it adversely affects my fishing time, but when I did, I always saw big brookies while turkey hunting, and almost once per season for several years had a large gobbler either walk past me or fly over me.


Haha, meant to say while fishing!

3 years ago I missed a really nice long beard. Jetted home and grabbed my fly fishing stuff. caught an 18" Bow. Closests Ive come to a double. I am tagged out on turkey this year, so unless my nephew shoots one then we go trout fishing. I am out of luck til next year.

I wonder what the PA Spring Triple trophy would be

16" or better trout
5-10 Morel Mushrooms
I shot a bird first day, then went out fishing in the afternoon. I caught one rainbow that day. So I guess that counts...
I fished Fri. eve and did well. Called in a monster tom at first light. Dropped him in his tracks. Called in another for my buddy John 20 mins. after mine. That turkey took the big nap as well. Not the same day. But a great weekend.
