Tube Flies: Part 2



Jul 2, 2013
This is the second in a series titled "Tube Flies," with the focus being on the setup of the vise tool and tying a basic tube fly (Woolly Bugger). I also discuss a change in the materials to purchase from HMH, which is a revision from the first video.



I've never gotten into tube flies myself, but that sure is a cool looking bugger you tied there Tc. And a good vid on it.
lv2nymph wrote:
I've never gotten into tube flies myself, but that sure is a cool looking bugger you tied there Tc. And a good vid on it.

Thanks; I appreciate the comments and just got into tube flies recently. Definitely fun sharing with others...and really like the bugger I tie in the vid (though maybe I shouldn't have shared that one!).

Was leaving the fly on the mandrel while melting the front of the tube recommended by HMH?

I learned from others to take the tube out of the mandrel and hold it so the head is up in the vertical position. Then take the lighter and hold it sideways so the flame is curving up and use the blue portion of the flame to melt the tube. A little easier to get a uniform melt.
FGSIII wrote:
Was leaving the fly on the mandrel while melting the front of the tube recommended by HMH?

I learned from others to take the tube out of the mandrel and hold it so the head is up in the vertical position. Then take the lighter and hold it sideways so the flame is curving up and use the blue portion of the flame to melt the tube. A little easier to get a uniform melt.

Thanks for the question, and this was also discussed in the "Comments" section on the YouTube page for this video.

Many tyers burn the tube differently when finishing; in my latest video, I remove the mandrel prior to the burn. At times, when the mandrel has been removed, the hole will close, thus this will ensure an opening.

I have not had a problem either way, though the madrels may not look so great after getting burned a couple hundred times!

Thanks for the comments,
