TU or FFF?



Apr 15, 2007
If you had the budget to join only 1 conservation organization, what would you pick Trout Unlimited or The Federation and why?
I'd choose whichever is doing the most active conservation work in your area, that you can join in with.

In my area, there is an active TU chapter, but no FFF chapter. So I'm a TU member.
He didn't say why he wanted to Join....Does the FFF do conservation work or are they strictly a fishing club?

If you are joining a club for commraderie the FFF may be for you. If you want to make a difference on the grass roots level of conservation, Join TU. Keep in mind a TU membership does very little toward conservation. Getting involved with the chapter level activities and administration is where the strides of accomplishment are realized and appreciated.

I might add that although the mission is conservation related, TU has a "Hyde" side of emphatic, avid flyfishermen...and women. The meetings cnd outtings can be rewarding as well as intoxicating on a strictly fly fishing basis of course.
The only FFF chapter I know of is in Boiling Springs and there is no difference between it and the CVTU chapter.

As organizations, FFF is dedicated to promoting FlyFishing in all its incarnations. Saltwater, warmwater and of course coldwater.

As Maurice says, TU is supposedly a coldwater conservation organization, but there's plenty of trout fishing going on.
Perhaps another distiction between the two is that FFF does not attract bait anglers, not that there's anything wrong with that.