TU calls on PA Gov. to tighter Regs



Mar 29, 2007
From an article re- posted on our chapter website:


Agree with the reg changes, buffers and going to edge of pad, etc.

Disagree with money from the impact fee going to broader conservation efforts. That starts you down a slippery slope, the money is intended to cover increased costs to various parties directly impacted by drilling. That money needs to stay with those issues where the direct assignable cause is drilling activity, so that those impacts can be properly measured and the fee adjusted, if necessary. Starting to use it for causes that are unrelated or only loosely related to the drilling is a mistake, IMO. It'd amount to a tax. It is not a tax.

However, I would support a portion of the state's royalties going to broader environmental efforts. That's a completely separate issue.
Obviously drilling and related activities have no impact on the watersheds, thus there should be no money allocated to the Growing Greener fund.
Not saying they have no impact. Saying the impact fee needs to stay specifically tied to things with a DIRECT AND ASSIGNABLE causes due to drilling, not to a broad statewide fund. My reason for this is that I strongly support the impact fee, but expect the impacts to be greater than the initial fee can cover. The cost of alleviating those impacts has to remain specific in order to keep accurate records, so when an increase in the fee is needed at a future time, it can be adequately justified.

So, if it is found that certain specific streams suffer from something related to drilling activity, and Growing Greener creates a program to alleviate those issues on those specific streams only, then yes, I'd be open to impact fee money going to that specific program. But I wouldn't support fee money from a well in Potter County going towards AMD remediation in Schulykill Cty, or creating a new park in some other location. In fact I'd do what I could to stop it from happening. Sorry.

But again, royalty money, thats a different ballgame. Go after that! Landowners get to keep royalty money and use it for whatever they deem a priority. In this case, the citizens of PA are the landowners. And more, those public lands were created with public $$$ set aside for recreation and enhancing health and outdoor activities. As a member of that public, I suggest that it makes perfect sense to use any proceeds towards recreation and enhancing health and outdoor activities. Like, say, the growing greener fund.