Try some pics



Feb 18, 2010
Well i decided i bettter try to figure out how to attach pics on here. So here's hopin.... Criticism welcome, and yes I already know i need to mash the barbs


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N Festus that second one was my first attempt at the wonder wing. i think they look pretty cool
Nice ties what kind of hair did you use for the wing on the elk hair caddis.
I use camparadun hair on my ties for me it is easier to work with .
Its natural deer hair from the buck i shot last year. Got a few streamers tied up from his tail too.
Whats the last fly...I really like it!
Do you use a hair stacker? I found that hairwing flies both look and fish better with stacked hair, rather than trimmed hair. Stacking the hair and using the tips also creates a smaller, neater head (the hair is thinner near the tips). I doubt it matters very much, but that's the first thing that caught my eye.

I tie my hairwings with the method shown in this video:

As a general comment, I would recommend some finer thread and a few less wraps on the heads. I began to constantly remind myself that every wrap must have a purpose, and the problem of bulky heads disappeared.

Nice flies. I am sure they all catch plenty of fish.
Well aware of the need for thinner thread, still workin with 3 spools i bought when i bought all my tools. Once i get back to work and get sum cash i've got a list of stuff i wanna pick up, that being on the list. As for the hair, i don't really work with it much other than streamers, it kinda gets away from me on smaller flies.

Alpha that fly is a pattern my great grandfather tied many many years ago, don't know if he got it sumwhere or created it. its super simple and rainbows tear that thing up. If we get together i'll give u a couple. I gotta get sum materials for those too, they get ripped off on the strike quite a bit.
NotLong4PA wrote:
Alpha that fly is a pattern my great grandfather tied many many years ago, don't know if he got it sumwhere or created it. its super simple and rainbows tear that thing up.

What's the body made from? Tinsel chenille?
Nice ties! Hope you make it to Allentown for the jam on March 20th.

You mentioned "once you get back to work" hmmmmmm do you need a weekday fishing partner in the mean time? If so send me a PM.

Keep up the good work!
It looks like you possess a wide range of tying skills. Keep filling the boxes. I always like seeing pictures of other's ties, glad you figured out how to post pictures. I only suggest that if you want your flies critiqued that you post fewer pictures per post. Overall it looks like you are ready for some serious fishing!
LL i am trying to work sumthing out for the Jam, I'd like to attend. I got back to work. Its not really all that serious i can pretty much take off whenever. I'm a snowboard instructor til the weather gets nicer. I gotta get a new battery for my bike(harley), presently don't have a car.

That streamer is estaz mettalique i believe, i forget, and what i had left disappeared. I'm pretty sure that's what it is tho. Its supposed to have a red throat on it too but the ones i tied that i have left were hurried one morning b4 a fishing trip so i skipped it to get them done quicker.