Trout Yeah - Video

Jobe wrote:
check it out and give feedback!

It's the same thing as everyone else who films themselves fishing and then sticks terrible folksy music over it.

This would've been novel about 8 years ago.

I'd rather seem someone's family photos from their Grand Canyon trip.

the folksy music just seems to go well with fishing... Thanks for the feedback though!

Its just our first attempt. We will try some other things out on the next videos im sure.

At least its not terrbile electronic music, I'll give you that much.
I like it!
Nice start. A video needs a story or purpose such as a stream or trip report.
I think you did a great job on the editing. One suggestion I would say is to include more than just video of your catches (scenery, trips to the stream or and outing, stories around a fire ect.... The best videos I have seen all have a story to tell. Check out Brothers on The FLY This is one of the best, most complete, fishing videos I have watched on youtube. I have tried to do a few videos but they havent turned out all that well. Its a lot harder then most people think to put together a captivating video.
Tell Miller to come east and stop hiding in CPA.