Trout fishing and painting...



Sep 15, 2006
Short article from the NY Times about trout fishing and painting, and a small video.

That's pretty neat. FI will probably appreciate this thread. I think that fellow could have painted that brookie from a picture just as easily though. Maybe better, because a pic doesn't lose color like the fish itself would/did.

Thanks for that delightful link. The writer and artist is James Prosek, a very talented guy who went to Yale, which has a long standing and robust angling club. I have a calendar and note cards with his beautiful paintings of the adiposed fishies.
That's the same guy who did his senior thesis at Yale on the Complete Angler. He made a video and it was posted in the video section of the forum.

Here it is again:

His name is James Prosek and here's his website:
RC that video you posted is one of my favorites, mainly for some of the stunningly beautiful streams he fishes in the UK. Very original. Did not realize the one in OP is from the same guy. I'll be sure to watch when I have time.
My son gave me two of Proseks books for Christmas. Amazing.
Good stuff.

It seems to me that FFers have a natural affinity for artistic and aesthetic appreciation. It may not be something they ponder overtly, but when an experienced angler takes some time to watch a beautiful stream or try to wind their hackle a bit more uniformly...they're tending to that appreciation for art and the natural world.
I know a lot of painters that fly fish. Here's one of mine.


  • trout-painting.jpg
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I like it. Avant-garde. It's what we see half the time we see the trout in their natural environs.
I have two Prosek books, a calendar I saved and note cards. He is well known in the world of angling art.

steveo - nice.

JackM - are you going for the Hunter Thompson look in that bizarre avatar of yours and what exactly is in your mouth along with the cigarette?
Two real cigs and an e-cig.
I have been working with glitter foam in making some art work.
I have to of his books. If calling here fishy fishy is communicating with trout then I communicate with trout. But communication is 2 ways, and the trout don't answer or come when I call. :)