Trout Bum, by John Geirach



Active member
Oct 25, 2008
York County Pa
Opened it last night and read to page 34, good stories, analogies, lots of humor, and some wisdom, my kind of book,I will probably fish reading it this week. The guy is a too much it makes me laugh because he talks about being out of touch with the rest of the world because of his fishing obseession and makes me feel normal about mine.
I enjoy his books a great deal- think I own them all. Now you can look forward to about 10 more of 'em.
I think Gierach is the best of the modern fly-fishing writers, perhaps because he and I seem to share many of the same views about fly-fishing. Most recently I think what he wrote on p. 90 of "Fools Paradise" is right on target. You will certainly enjoy reading about his fishing adventures.
Yeah, I have a stack of his books. They are nice, because a year after reading them, you can start over. There are so many stories, that you are bound to forget a few.
I've borrowed him from the library and enjoy his wit, his adventures and his attitude toward them. My most memorable comment from him was when describing a zealous new fly angler, he said something like: "I had always heard about poor casters whipping the water into a froth, but had never actually seen it done before."
Yeah, he's a great writer. I liked in his newest book, the story about Pennsylvania fishing.

Anyway, I like that he's totally obsessed about fishing, but still doesn't take it too seriously. He's seemed to find that balance that results in maximum enjoyment.
Which book was that? I think I remember the story...
Think there was a story about PA where he mentions he had some terrible chicken fried steak.
I believe there are some Pa stories in "The Grave of the Unkown Fisherman"


Did you see that McManus is retiring from Outdoor Life in April, just might have to let my subscript expire.

I have really enjoyed Gierach's anthology -- Death, Taxes, and Leaky Waders -- as well as his technical books: Fly Fishing the High Country, Fly Fishing Small Streams, and Good Flies. The funny thing, for me, is that the first story in Trout Bum -- "Trout" -- is, to me, a real yawner, at least compared to most of his other work.
Two of his best stories for me are completely off topic the one about coffee and the one about walking sticks he does make an extraordinary connection with his readers.