Trout Boomer -- and the Little J



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
Bill Anderson, president of the Little Juniata River Association, has recently published the above-named book. It is a winner. It is divided into 3 sections: 1. about his development as a fisherman, 2. a "tour" of the Little Juniata River, and 3. his "jury" of flies to catch trout in the J.
His writing style is nicely conversational, and the book reads easily. (As a former English teacher, I found some punctuation problems that would bother only an old English teacher. These were mainly early in the book. I doubt that these would bother anyone else.)
If you like to fish the J or might like to fish there or just want a nice book about fly-fishing to add to your library, I recommend this one
You can order it from Bill at or by accessing the LJRA website and gaining the information about ordering it there. It is $27.95 plus s & h (about $3.00, I think).
If you buy it, I think you'll like it and pick up some nice tips.
Thanks for the heads-up. I will be purchasing this book.
My sentence should read, "You can order it from Bill at or by accessing the LJRA website...."
Sounds intigueing, when you say "tour" what do you mean? In what sense I guess I'm asking.

Too bad I didn't hear about this earlier. I had several people requesting christmas gift ideas for me - and this would have been perfect
Thanks RRT. I heard chatter about Bill's book but never anything definitive. I need to email him anyway because my registration never seems to work over at the LJRA. I'd like to pick up the book as well.
Nice. I'll look into purchasing this book. I enjoy reading books by PA authors on PA streams. I have books on Spring and Penns and would like to add this to my collection.
Foxtrapper, a little off topic, but I'd recommend Dan Shields' book "George Harvey: Memories, Patterns and Tactics" if you're into PA fly fishing history.

Sorry y'all, I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled program.
I ordered the book, didn't receive it as of yet

I also appreciate PA authors. I have a few PA books by Sajna, Thomas Neil Zacoi, Shields River journals, Meck and maybe a few others.

Any suggestions for PA related fishing authors??
George Daniel.
Yea,ok. GD. I kinda was thinking more fishing related yarns than how to's.

For how to's I like the library for those.
Trout Boomer- bravo Bill!!

What a good book. Goes over his early life etc and then goes over his fishing exploits and then on to his love of the J. Just got it yesterday and already several chapters into it.
Sticking to the PA authors- reading Charles Fox's Rising Trout. Pretty good, lots of familiar names and how they developed their patterns.