Trimming Weeds on Letort



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
There is a common view among old Letort regulars that the stream is considerably more thick with weeds than in the past. In recent years, it's not uncommon to see the entire stream channel choked to within a few inches of the surface with elodea and chara. With weeds this thick, holding habitat for trout is diminished and some folks feel that it's negatively impacting mayfly populations. Worse still, these heavy weed sections are displacing the water flow up out of the creek's banks and into nearby meadows. With a chronic sinkhole problem in the upper Letort, water pushing up into the meadows is worsening the situation. Obviously, weeds in a spring creek are a natural characteristic and beneficial. Too much of a good thing becomes problematic.
This week, CVTU members went to work on a continuing process of cutting back some of these weeds. Using a cutter called a "weedrazor," channels were cut into the weeds and the cuttings were pulled out with rakes. An 80 yard section of the middle heritage section now has a much better channel. Since this process started, water levels appear to have dropped as much as a few inches. This meadow is still weedy (as it should be) but much improved. Just upstream of where we were working, an 18" wild brown could be seen in a clear section between weedbeds.
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Dave W

Photos courtesy G Giza


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Look at that brown!

I'm glad some people close to the Letort are trying to take care of her. Thanks again!
Looks good above Bonny Brook!



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Hi Dave,

Could you let me know if there will be more trimming coming up and who to contact regarding participating?
Please check your PM.
Do they always do this work during the week? Would be a lot easier to lend a hand if it was done a wknd....but that kinda screws up the stream a bit for fishin' I guess. One of those Catch 22 type things...
Please check your PM.