Tough couple days



New member
Oct 2, 2012
Fished Penns yesterday and Little J today. Tough going. Penns was clearing up some yesterday, but moving pretty quick still. Little J was humbly showing me the consequences of too little time on the water as of late. Conditions were good, and I was mostly nymphing all day, but I couldn't seem to crack her code for the life of me. I landed 1 fish all day, with a few other bumps. Possible they were keying in on really little >18s (which I didn't have) or I was just incompetent today! Much practice needed.
I am pretty sure that the fish are spawning on those two streams. On bigger trout streams it's not unusual for fish to move quite a bit to find suitable spawning habitat. If you fish an area that doesn't have much spawning habitat near by, there may not be a lot a fish in that area.
Yeah I personally wouldn't be fishing those streams right now...let the trout do their thing.