


New member
Dec 6, 2006

Any steelheaders out their have any experience with these? I saw the kit in a catalog for $15.95. They come with the tool, shot and surgical toobing. Do they really hold the shot any better than regular split shot?
Are these what used to be known as "slinky rigs". Designed to get ya down deep and if caught up, tear off because the tubing is weaker than the tippet?

I have no opinions as I've not used them...only curious of the relationship to the "slinky rig"

I have in the past put my shot on a dropper with no knot at the end so it would pull off...found it to be a waste of shot.

Most of the time you can get your flies...or shot loose from the bottom by simply moving into the upstream side of the snag and jerking it loose.

Fishing across from a partner in Erie (he likes to ride the bottom) When he would get hung up, I would hook his line from the other side of the crik and pull him loose. Must have done it a dozen times without losing a fly or his shot.

I’ve never used toobies but it’s the same principle as the slinkies I have used. Slinkies are essentially parachute cord without the core, with round shot placed in them and sealed. It is hard to add or subtract shot, so you must make them up with different numbers of shot for different weights. Toobies are the same thing, but use a plastic tube instead of parachute cord to hold the shot. I believe the shot can be removed or added as needed.

I don’t use either at this time, although I do find it useful to clamp my shot on the tag end of my blood knot when using multiple shot. I tie an overhand knot at the end of the tag so the shot doesn’t slide off too easily. I lose a lot more shot than flies, which is okay by me. Maybe if I had someone across the stream to shag my line when I got stuck on the bottom I would feel differently. You’re the first fisherman I’ve ever heard of that fishes with a caddy!
afishinado wrote:
You’re the first fisherman I’ve ever heard of that fishes with a caddy!

Fishes with the caddy...I am the friggin caddy!
Maurice wrote:
Are these what used to be known as "slinky rigs".


From checking different web sites, they are not the same. The slinky is made with parachute cord that is tied onto the leader like a dropper fly. The toobies are a piece of tubing the is threaded onto the leader and the shot inserted into the tubing. The shot pinches the leader against the tubing so that it stays put.

thnaks for clearing that up. I get it now.
