Tom Rosenbauer article



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
I just read this piece (linked below) about Tom Rosenbauer. It's a great article about someone I have great respect for as a writer as well as a person.

I owned and read nearly all of his books and he was my favorite FFing author for a long time. The books and articles he wrote always gave me new info on the sport as well new things to ponder. He doesn't or even claim to have all the answers, but his questions get me thinking and searching and help me improve in the sport and enjoy the ride. I love his style of writing.

Later on I ended up working for Orvis in one of their stores and had a chance to meet and work with Tom on occasion. He is truly a really good FFer, a great writer, and without a doubt a real nice guy....genuine. I can't say the same for the many FFing authors and experts I've met along the way.

Here is some words of wisdom that I picked up from the article >

“What would you tell a beginner that would really open up the doors on the water?”

Tom Rosenbauer: “Don’t overthink it. Enjoy what you’re doing at the moment. Don’t think about what you should have done or how your day should have gone. Don’t worry so much about fly patterns. Practice casting no matter what you do. It’s hard for fly fisher’s not to overthink because it’s a thinking person’s pursuit, but observe what’s going on and pay attention to what’s happening instead of what you think should happen.” But that’s not always easy even for Tom.

Link to article > Tom Rosenbauer
Great stuff! but don't overthink my complement :)
Prospector wrote:
I don’t think I have any of his books. If you had to recommend one for someone to read, which would it be?

Prospecting for Trout and Guide to Small Stream Fly-Fishing are two really good ones that most FFers will find loaded with info for fishing around here and anywhere else for that matter.
I always really liked and respected Tom's personality, advice, and overall helpfulness in many of his Office endorsed videos on YouTube. While sometimes I learned things and sometimes I didn't, they were always a joy to watch. I also always appreciated his appreciation for multi species fly fishing and not just keeping it confined to trout and their relatives.
I'm going to have to pick those books up. I really like Tom and his writing and he's one of my biggest inspirations in my own writing.
Rosenbauer's Fly Fishing 101 video series is available for free on Amazon Prime Video. There are 13 episodes, each covering a different aspect of fly fishing. They are really well done and definitely recommended for anyone who, like me, is a novice.
Agree w afish on Rosenbauers small stream book...very helpful for PA fishing.
If you like listening to podcasts, the Orvis fly fishing guide podcast (Tom) is a great one. I always learn something from it.