Titan Rod Vault



Active member
Feb 12, 2008
New Cumberland PA
I saw one of these on some guy's roof the other day at Wegmans. I actually hopped out of my car and waved him down to ask him about it. Very very cool, but expensive. Anybody have one?


I was looking to build something very similar for the top of my car....minus the nifty lockbox for reels. They look nice but wow are they pricey.
I have never been in that big a hurry to get on the water.
$499? I'll rig up streamside, LOL.
Mike B
I've been kicking that idea around for about 6 months, can't seem to pull the trigger on it.
Wouldn't the risk of theft be higher than having the rods locked inside the vehicle?
But, troutbert, how will everyone else know you flyfish if your rods are locked up inside the vehicle? Flyfishing stickers on your vehicle only go so far (Irony: I type this while wearing a Simms cap).
They fall into the same category as yeti coolers......

Form over function
Being perceived over wanting performance
BC I like my stickers, especially my PAFF stickers. Sarcastic sigh
Pro, I don't have a real problem with stickers, and some are tastefully done. But I won't put stickers on my vehicles. Not that I think it's likely, or is it my reasoning for no stickers on my vehicle (I think no stickers or factory badges or trim looks cleaner) but an educated thief could see the stickers as advertising what's inside.

It's the same as plastering performance parts stickers all over your truck. I have piles of stickers and they will never be on my truck. No one needs to know which parts may be in it.

But keep in mind my rant is biased, because in my area every hillbilly has their life story (political affiliation, hobbies, favorite sports teams, favorite brands, lost family or friends, and even preference in women) on the back glass of their vehicle.
I'll agree for general fishing, not practical. My interest in a product like this would be for 2 reasons......

When floating, each guy brings 1-3 rods and the you pile a couple guys in the car with all the gear. After a 15 minute drive, you get to spend 30 minutes at the motel playing pick up stix in the dark.

2 Brittanys in the car will cost you several rod repair bills. They don't chew them but can't sit still and if something is in their way.....solution is to smash through it.

Krayfish, wouldn't rod cases solve both of those issues?
They do for trip from home to lodging site. I'm not breaking down 3-4 rods and storing them every float. Do a morning float and the late day float, that's too much f'n around.

I typically assemble my rods in mid April and they stay together (in my living room) until early October. I can grab one and go after work ....ready to fish. I never do but always threaten to.

Also, when you get to the take out at 9:30 at night and there's 10 boats waiting.....you hook and book. Keeps grumpy anglers from offering to swell your eye shut AND gets you back to town for food before everything's closed at 10. If my stuff is in the case, it's off season, on a long car ride or a spare in the trunk.
I just put my rod in the car. Which explains all the flies in my headliner and seat fabric. I do like to keep my rods assembled.
Funny thing these days....They keep making rods in 3 and 4 pcs which is just asking for problems. And really what we want is a one piece rod and a way to carry it.
Where I grew up (Norristown), they called those "steal me stickers". If I could ever justify the cost of a rack like that, I would be too worried about theft.
Fair enough, Krayfish. I'm unfamiliar with floating, and the processes, and my rods are always in a case unless I'm fishing them.
I generally try not to be a cheap #censor#, but come on. 10' sections of PVC are very cheap.
Those Titan Rod Vaults seem like a pretty good idea. There have been more than a few times that I didn't want to break down my rig to drive from stream to stream in Erie. I broke a tip section once because I tried to get cute and lay my fully assembled rod in my truck bed. As for the price. No. There are more affordable options for transporting rods between water like Sumo rod mounts. Or just put it back in it's tube for free.
Sports Tube makes a carrier at less than half the price.
I saw a home made version that was made from an old ammo box and PVC pipe.