Tiny Hooks



May 7, 2007
What's the smallest you've found? Anything smaller than 24?
I have some that were tied buy a young man with young eyes that are 26 or 28. I’ve not used them because I can’t see the eye clearly and my smallest tippet doesn’t fit anyway.
Mustad makes or used to make anyway, hooks down to size 32. Using hooks that small always struck me as something akin to seeing how long you could balance a golf ball on your nose. It could be done, but what for? Even back when I could see, I don't think I ever carried anything smaller than a #22. Trout that are rising to something smaller than that can more often than not be caught on a size #10 deer hair ant anyway...:)
I spin deer hair on a size 32 all the time. :(
Steeltrap: just one hair, right? ;-)
True....only one hair....and that's from a first year 60-lb just got outta the spots fawn!!

Hey.....little targets are harder to hit!! :roll:
I have some size 32 up eyes somewhere I don’t recall if I ever used them. The smallest I tie these days are size 28 Peg’s midges.
Some years ago I bought a pack of hooks labeled as #32 but when I placed them next to some #28 (or maybe it was 26?), I could see no difference.

Personally, I regard hooks of those sizes as pretty much the same and consider #26 as about as small as you can get. I rarely tie on smaller than #22 anymore, even for midges and tricos. . . occasionally 24s.
When I worked at Hille's, we sold 32's.

I'm sure they have a place; I don't tie or fish below an 18 anymore. And, I'm fairly young still and my eyes are still good.

If the fish doesn't want my offering, I'll move to another which does.
I have a pack of 32's that I keep as sort of a novelty, it's fun to show someone.
Keep in mind , a daichi or TMC hook labeled as 18 is equal to about a 10 in mustad ????
I tie and use a LOT of tiny flies so I am always on the hunt for tiny, tiny hooks…

Mustad had the 94842, bronzed up-eye hook available down to #28. I used them but always hated the up eye.

There was also the Partridge "Vince Marinaro" (designed by Vince) midge hooks that had a down eye and an offset barb that were available down to #28. I think these are discontinued, but possibly coming back.

Later I discovered the Tiemco (TMC) 518 “midge hook” which was a straight eyed, straight shank 3XF/1XS hook down to #32. They were great hooks! I still have a supply of 30’s & 32’s but they are discontinued.

There was also the TMC 2488, a curved shank hook available down to #30 but now only available down to #26.

However, the mini granddaddy of them all was the Mustad 277 size 32, a tiny gold hook with a sproat bend. It was so small it didn’t have an eye, just a flat spot where the eye would have been so you had to essentially create snelled flies for any you intended to fish with or tie a figure 8 knot & pray.

To put the 277 #32 into perspective, the total hook length from the front of the flat spot to the bend is approximately 2 mm compared to 4 mm for the #32 TMC 518. The gape on a 277 #32 is maybe 1 mm compared to a little over 2 mm on the TMC 518.

Bottom line, the Mustad 277 #32 was so small, you could put one inside the gape of TMC 518 #32 with room to spare.

I still remember trying to fool the “sippers” at the Ditch fishing midges tied on #32 277’s lashed to Pezon et Michel tippet material being peddled as 10X that I used to carry "for emergencies" in the olden days. They fish would take the fly, but it would either bounce off their teeth or the tippet would break.

Also in those days, there were so many bruisers in the Ditch that the likelihood of landing one on that tiny hook and so-so tippet material was about nil. It was self-inflicted torture, but fun regardless.

I wish I still had some 277’s…
Yes, you are all correct. 32 the smallest i have seen. The gold 32's are the best. Tying small, o k, must have a nice neck.

I generally tie a few hundred flies of the size 20, i can do the smaller but not necessary the way i fish. I like some water movement, those long pools of dead water, not my cup of tea!

First of all, the leader, a sleek design, maybe a 15 to 18 footer. Catch one and you better change tippet on the dead water.

The stretch, strain, will no doubt be noticeable. If you can see it and you do, well i am sure the fish see it too,

Unless it is big, why waste the time, When finding the big on dead pools, you must use all the tricks in the bag. You need to get him close to your mark. Striking zone. Piece of chicken on a overhead branch. when maggots start to drop, Big Daddy is close. Thats one trick. baby Mouse on a float of wood, pull mouse off when float gets close. Guaranteed. no need for 7x on this one,
size 40

Got what I needed, Gami C12BM. Sz 30, curved shank, barbless, with an extra large straight eye.