Time to go?



May 11, 2007
We've all been there; you know it's probably time to go but you just keep going: "one more cast," or "one more fish." Last night that happened to me and the bite was already dying off. Told my wife I would be home by eight for dinner. Working my way back to my truck when I got that last hit. Barely felt a tick and when I reeled in both my flies were gone, neatly snipped. Likely the work of a pickerel; this lake has a few and they are beasts! Shrugged, reeled in and hit it; home by 8:02.
I kind of do the same thing, especially when fishing new waters. I ask myself, I wounder what is around the next corner. So I keep going even though I should be heading home.
Fun story. It's the last day of our trip in Bozeman (check the blog for the trip report!!) and we're supposed to spend the day around town but the lady wants to sleep off some drinks and says be back by 10am so I go fishing. It's Montana so I'm having a blast and check the time to see its 9:15. OK just a couple more casts. A couple more casts a couple more fish and its 10:18 and I have no service. I make it out of the canyon to service and my phone might as well have caught fire. Boy did my ears look bruised after that escapade but I am extremely extremely guilty of being late when near any water source....
You guys nailed it except that my sweetie is calm. Off the lake last night........one really big Gill, one Shiner. Buckets of memories.
@Van_Cleaver -- have you targeted the pickerel in there? I caught them often when I fished it semi-regularly years ago, but since revisiting the lake over the last few seasons I havent' had any luck.