Time for new waders. Any Sales?



Mar 1, 2007
i'm in the market for some new waders..

do any stores have any sales from now till spring?

heres my 3 choices. any pros/cons would be greatly appreciated.

Simms G# guide waders
Orvis Pro Guide 3
Patagonia Watermaster chest waders

i did see this sale -

any others out there or online sites to check.

thanks so much!
I don't drop that much on waders, but keep an eye on the sierra trading post. (www.sierratradingpost.com)

I've gotten good use out of $100 cabela's waders for years.

Welcome to the board. Nice to see someone else from nearby.
In that price range, I really like these waders. It's a new Simms model that converts to a waist high with suspenders. That's something I've been looking for, for a long time. I doubt if you will find these on sale though.

As Jay said, you may want to look at cheaper options.


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I love my Cabela's.

But dan Bailey has some great waders, as well as Scierra.
Scierra's are no longer an American option. They have stopped dealing in the US. Their appearance was better than their performance actually. I have a pair and wouldn't buy another even if they were an option. Cloudveil's will be my next wader purchase.
Bean is introducing several new wader styles for 2009. You could probably get last years leftovers at clearance prices
i just picked up a pair of simms rivershed waders for 160.00 on e-bay reg 299.00...they are discontinued and replaced with the headwaters waders, bought them from ..the kingfisher.... from missoula mont
Well, I'm gonna be in the market for waders soon too. This is one area I haven't experimented much with. My wader history is that each type are like clockwork:

- cheap rubber: Lasted 5+ years, but terribly uncomfortable.
- Hodgeman Wadelite ($90): First leak @ 1 year, junk at 1.5
- Hodgeman Wadelite ($90): First leak @ 1 year, junk at 1.5.
- Orvis Clearwater Endura ($130): First leak @ 2.5 years, seam went at 3.
- Orvis Clearwater Endura ($130): First leak @ 2.5 years, seam went at 3 but was repairable by using loads of aquaseal and my wife's pantihose. 3.5 years now and seam on other leg about to pop, I think they're done at that point.

From what I understand, and considering 50-70 outings a year, some brush busting, and frequent failures to hang them or even take them out of the bed of the truck, 3 years is actually pretty impressive. But I kind of want to upgrade, just to see if I can do better, and just because I can't leave well enough alone.

I'll probably end up upgrading to the Orvis Silver Label II's at $189. Saw Dan Bailey's lightweights on sale at Somerset, looked really nice, I like the built in gravel guards and no seams! But they didn't have my size and they're well over $200 at retail. My wife has a pair of Chotas, she doesn't get out enough to judge durability, but they "look" durable. Cloudveil and Simms have briefly crossed my mind too, but expensive.

So, for my own sake as well as anyone else in the market, lets hear it. Anyone have a brand/model thats gotten better durability than other models they've tried? Add a ballpark price.
Mine are done as well. I got two years out of them before the left leg's seam went in October. I coated the seam with loon UV repair from the knee down, and leaks would progressively appear up the leg from then on. Eventually, it was fully coated. The right leg is beginning this process now.

They are mid-range cabela's. I think I got them for $129. I'll probably get the same ones (or equivalent, since they change their products so often) again. They work fine, are pretty comfortable, and have built in gravel guards. I'm curious to hear suggestions, though.
I think I have the same ones Jay and I'm on my third year...if you want you can check the Orvis site...I saw they had some on sale a week ago...
I guess I'm on my third year, when I think about it. Even so, I'll be wearing more aquaseal than fabric by the time this season is done.

I'll check orvis.
I have come to the conclusion that waders are nearly as disposable an item as tippet. I've taken to purchasing any breathable I can get my hands on for about $100 and if I get through the season mostly dry, I consider it money well-spent.
I've got some Hodgeman neoprene waders that I've been using for almost 3 years. I have no issues with them. Bought them at Walmart. They are great for steelhead in the winter, and a bit hot in the summer, but all around they work. I was going to buy some cheap breathables from Albright at around $40 and went to their site last week and their prices went back up to the MSRP they had on the site. They are now $60. (yes I am THAT cheap). Probably went back up as people are getting ready for the up coming season. Maybe next year...
Don't buy Orvis Silver labels, junk,,,I used orvis and now use and sell hodgemans...

I'd love to go cheaper than the Silver Labels, and I cannot speak for their durability in comparison with the Clearwaters. But my luck with Hodgeman has not been good as you can see. It was never a single leak, it was more like the the material just stopped being waterproof. I tried the leak test, and the entire inside of both legs was just one solid slow leak, and in time it wasn't so slow anymore. Ashame too, I liked the gravel guard/belt all one piece design, greenish color, and they were more comfortable than the Clearwaters. Was this a known problem thats been fixed, or doesn't exist on a different model? One time can be explained by a fluke, two almost identical cases in almost identical time frames is not a fluke. But I'd be willing to go back if I saw any evidence that things have improved.

Clearly for me both pairs of clearwaters were a better value than either pair of Hodgemans, in terms of leakless hours per dollar. What I don't know is if I can do better or not.
I've parted ways with Hodgman as well.
I'd really look at LL Beans. I kinda have the same philosophy as JackM, all waders are gonna leak. I bought a pair of Beans Breathable emergers last may. They sprung a leak last month, I took them back to the Bean store in Marlton, NJ and they replaced them no questions asked. Basically for $99 I have a pair of breathables for life, that's a pretty good deal in my book.
I have great luck with Cabelas.
One problem, front pocket should not be over stuffed. Leaks around the seam. So, no six packs of Coors in the pocket LOL
I saw this link on another board http://www.mrfc.com/MadisonRiverMontanaFishing/Default.aspx

I have not made a pruchase, so I can't vouch for this outfit, but they do seem to have some good deals. Check out the Patagonia waders...
Try www.patagonia.com and earch the Winterfest Sale. They have Watermasters II and Watermaster Lights on sale.