Tiers Funk!


Dec 1, 2006
Happy Holidays to all my follow tiers and fishers!

Anyone ever get in a tying Funk? Where no matter what you tie it comes out looking like xxxx? Well I am there! Trying to get my flies ready for the 07 Swap and everything I did last night was bad....this morning better but still to my abilities.

I know it happens, what do you do?
All the time--I just walk away and save it for when I have more patience.
I was in a funk once for almost 2 years.........did not tie one completed fly...........It all started when I was returning from a trip with my father from the Salmon River..........I dropped the old man off at my sisters house and drove to my friends house.....no bid deal right........except when I got to my friends house I realized that the tailgate was down............ALL MY GEAR WAS MISSING........clothes, rods, reels, over 2000 of my own tied flies..........I almost started puking when I looked inside the truck bed and saw no gear.........I managed to retrieve one fly rod out of four via an ad in the local paper............horrible feeling.........it took me almost a full 2 years before I could tie again.....everytime I sat down at the vise I got really sick in the stomach........

Now.....I am fine.........but I still only tie when the mood strikes or when I need a few patterns............tying when you are not in the mood is not very productive...........at least for me it's not.....but when the mood hits, it hits and I could be tying for 8 hours or so......or a few days in a row.......it really kills the eyes..........and the wife thinks I am nuts......you just get driven............a dozen turns into 2, 2 dozen turns into 6.......... 6 turns into 20.............before you know it the sun is coming up and you have to get ready for work...............
I get like this every year.It seems I hit a stretch where I just can't get into it and if I try to push it and tie they look awful.Usually only lasts a week and then back to normal.
Hang in there. The short days and long nights have there toll on the tyers spirt. Get out to your local fly shop and pick up some new materals. Spend some time organizing your supplys...Before you know it March will be here and you'll be back on the vise...
One Bourbon.. 😛int: ...One Scotch... 😛int: ...and one Beer.. 😛int: ..... :-D
Hey Sandfly,
You never told me you liked
One Bourbon.. 😛int: ...One Scotch... 😛int: ...and one Beer..
when you lived here in Bucks!

Are these included in tying classes or is there an extra charge?
:-D why do you think im so happy....and yes its free for class...ouch dang hook bit me...hic...hic!!!