I was in a funk once for almost 2 years.........did not tie one completed fly...........It all started when I was returning from a trip with my father from the Salmon River..........I dropped the old man off at my sisters house and drove to my friends house.....no bid deal right........except when I got to my friends house I realized that the tailgate was down............ALL MY GEAR WAS MISSING........clothes, rods, reels, over 2000 of my own tied flies..........I almost started puking when I looked inside the truck bed and saw no gear.........I managed to retrieve one fly rod out of four via an ad in the local paper............horrible feeling.........it took me almost a full 2 years before I could tie again.....everytime I sat down at the vise I got really sick in the stomach........
Now.....I am fine.........but I still only tie when the mood strikes or when I need a few patterns............tying when you are not in the mood is not very productive...........at least for me it's not.....but when the mood hits, it hits and I could be tying for 8 hours or so......or a few days in a row.......it really kills the eyes..........and the wife thinks I am nuts......you just get driven............a dozen turns into 2, 2 dozen turns into 6.......... 6 turns into 20.............before you know it the sun is coming up and you have to get ready for work...............