When it comes to Lyme, there is much that is not understood. Sadly, ticks aren't the only way to get lymes, masquito bites or any exchange of bodily fluid by a person (loved ones beware)with lymes can give you the disease. Andonce you have the little bugs have fun getting rid of them. When treated with most antibiotics the bugs will hide in your spinal fluid until they attack again. Most attacks happen when there is a change in the barometric pressure, storms and weather changes. I've been treating my Lyme with a combo of samento and noni extracts. It's very important to read read read and then learn more. Some experts find 1 in 4 people suffer from the bugs but aren't aware because of false negatives. And that there are a lot of commen and some severe ailments that result from lyme. Chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, crones disease, and more can be attributed to lymes. Damn those bugs!!!!