Thoughts on the J knot vs blood knot



Jul 7, 2011
According to this chart its stronger. I experimented by tying various pieces of tippet and breaking them by hand. I know this isn't good science but it definitely felt stronger than a blood knot with the same sizes of tippet. I hand tie my leaders and I'm a blood knot guy. I never really liked the surgeons knot. I'm about still using blood knots all the way down but tying a j knot for my last piece of tippet. Anyone else try this? Thoughts?
I make my own leaders and use the blood knot except to attach the end of the leader to the tippet. I use tippet rings and tie the clinch knot.
I'm not a fan of the blood knot, that said give the 'J' knot a try. I use the surgeons knot for my leaders.
The only problem with these J knots and Surgeon knots is that you have to feed the whole tippet through the knot on the long end. When doing a blood knot I can work with my tippet while on the spool and cut the desired length after my blood knot is tightened. I never cared for the surgeon knot because it didn't look as clean, straight and even as a blood knot. The J Knot seems to me like it's an improved surgeon's knot. It passes around and over both ends of the loop making it more even when tightened.