Thoughts on Acquiring New Material



Jan 28, 2007
There are a lot of avid fly tiers on this board. I appreciate reading all of the insights you share.
One person said, "You can't have too much material". Well, I do. I have some stuff that, if I tie for another 50 years I will still have some, like grey dubbing for example. BUT, I find another fly pattern that I can't live without but don't have the RIGHT material. I got some pink sparkle dubbing (a couple of pinches) from a friend and is enough to tie several dozen Frenchies.

So, I was wondering if anyone had ideas on how tyers could "share". For example, I would be willing to trade about 1/2 pack of dubbing for a 1/4 pack of something that I need for that new pattern I have to tie.

I am sure all of you have tons of stuff that you might consider"excess". And there's stuff that you really need but may need a of (like my Frenchie example).

So, I was wondering if anyone had ideas how we might trade excess for needs????

Thanks in advance.

PS. With all of the fly tyers in the world, I can't help think that there is a market for this idea.
I would Imagine it would have to start with enough tiers that would like the idea of this. I think the big problem might be, most tiers are hoarders and don't like giving up their sometimes hard sought after treasure.
Folks could certainly try putting up some pics or descriptions of their materials in the Swap forum or here in Fly Tying and offer to trade - might be worth a try.

Speaking only for myself, I too have too much fly tying material. However, much of this is stuff that is literally 20-30 years old and very scraggly or in otherwise bad shape (lots of bags of fur and junk feathers). I just really need to throw a lot of this old crap in the trash.
I have a small group that we do that already. Instead of buying a small pack of angora for example we would purchase a large package for the same amount at a sewing store and share it. We do the same when we come across other materials like tails, feathers, etc.
If you are in a group setting (Spring Jam or tying nights) this could easily be done. Via mail is more difficult since the hassle of packaging and mailing can sometimes outweigh the cost of material.
in the past i posted on other forums that i had an excess fly tying materials to donate to a new tyer. the first one to respond got the materials.

ive probably done a half dozen of these donations.

any tying clubs, tu chapters, recreation departments, project healing waters, wounded warriors, casting for recovery etc could possibly use fly tying material donstions

paying it forward so to speak.


start a materials swap box.

sign up x amount of swappers. you begin by putting 5-10 materials into the box. send that box out the the first swapper that signed up. that swapper takes out a maximum of 3 materials and replaces what he took out with 3 more different materials. repeat until all swappers are done and you receive the swap box back.

if you think about it there are negatives to a material swap.

i personally like to donate to a kid starting out tying flies.
I have enough stuff for 3 lifetimes and will not part with any, and I keep getting more and different stuff.

YES ! I am a DUBBING Junkie and Proud of it !
I am a member of D.J.A. and go to meetings every month
Dubbing Junkies Anomalous
It is a nice idea, but I'm one of the hoarders. I don't mind sharing if someone wants to try a material, but you will never get me to admit I have too much of anything. I sometimes read about guys splitting necks and I just can't imagine it. Material is mostly inexpensive, but good material that behaves the way I like it to behave is invaluable.
The "buying as a group and sharing" is great! That way you can have a lot of different material but a reasonable amount of each.

And someone mentioned donating to new tyers. I know that more than a couple of us donated stuff to Philipsburg/Oceolla HS fishing Club in late 2012.
Well I just acquired a bunch of stuff at a fishermen's flea market for $10. The guy asked me if I wanted a $2,$5 or $10 bag. I was like....Huh?? He then said fill the bag up and pay for the bag. Really? Sweet!! Needless to say I bought the $10 bag. :-D I also scored a fly box full of flies for $7 :-o


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delta_dog wrote:
Well I just acquired a bunch of stuff at a fishermen's flea market for $10. The guy asked me if I wanted a $2,$5 or $10 bag. I was like....Huh?? He then said fill the bag up and pay for the bag. Really? Sweet!! Needless to say I bought the $10 bag. :-D I also scored a fly box full of flies for $7 :-o

You suck! Ya think you would have scored a couple of bags for your friends! :-D :-D :-D

(Please ignore unintended druggie reference) :-D