This is why it is cold



Sep 11, 2006
This is why it is getting colder around the world and many more scientists are starting to question CO2's theoretical role in global warming.
I'm sorry, where in there does it say the earth is cooling?
tomgamber wrote:
I'm sorry, where in there does it say the earth is cooling?

I didn't say the article did. I pointed the article out to show that sunspot activity is still at a low. There are many articles and papers which show a strong correlation between temperatures on earth and sun spot activity. This article only points out the shorter term 11 year cycles. There are also longer periodic cycles which also come into play. We are on a down trend on the longer term cycles as well.

I also noticed a NASA report recently (I'll have to try to find the link again) that shows a net gain in polar ice during the last 16 months or so.
This thread might be better put in The OT Jam forum. I don't see anything related to how flyfishers can conserve streams and fish.
Actually the forum is entitled in such a way that the topic proposed by the post is germane. It may come as a surprise, but the term "conservation" has broader implications than just improving our fly fishing.
Seems like this topic would not be out of place here. A topic on global cooling/warming might lead to discussions about conserving energy (if you think that would help global warming). Energy efficient light bulbs or making your home "tighter" for example. I even know a guy that ditched his power lawn mower in favor of a reel mower to conserve energy (not his).
OK since we are judging the post on its is my take. Its environmental meaning sun spots affect the environment of the earth. but its not conservation because we have no control over it. It may have a correlation to the global warming/climate change issue but that was not cited in the article or in the post so its not really conservation if there is nothing to conserve.

But, I don't thnk it hurts here....and it sends TB around the bend. thats worth a few points. :-D
To Tabasco, Jack and company,

Good luck in your conservation campaign, conserving, ummm, whatever it is you are trying to conserve. :)
The planet, for all to enjoy, including folks who have never even held a fly rod.
I just read the article again. If there is any conservation angle to that article, someone should be able to explain what it is.
Global warming always comes up in this forum. It is usually attributed to conservation issues, and some claim that it is related to the stuff discussed in the article. I think it fits fine here. At the very least, it should start some debate about the conservation side of the issue.
troutbert, contrary to your desires, not every discussion about the environment or trout fishing has to be post after post of people trying to pose as that best friend that the earth and its creatures ever had. Sometimes the topic relates to the environment and fishing in a way that elicits information and opinions from various viewpoints. The article related to the issue of climate, particularly how sun activity can effect warming/cooling trends. As with the broader issue of global warming, this may have implications for trout streams, particularly our sacrosanct wild trout. As with all threads in any forum, if it doesn't interest you, skip it. There is no question in my mind that it is as appropriate, and perhaps more appropriate, here as it would be in the off topic forum.
JackM wrote:
troutbert, contrary to your desires, not every discussion about the environment or trout fishing has to be post after post of people trying to pose as that best friend that the earth and its creatures ever had. Sometimes the topic relates to the environment and fishing in a way that elicits information and opinions from various viewpoints. The article related to the issue of climate, particularly how sun activity can effect warming/cooling trends. As with the broader issue of global warming, this may have implications for trout streams, particularly our sacrosanct wild trout. As with all threads in any forum, if it doesn't interest you, skip it. There is no question in my mind that it is as appropriate, and perhaps more appropriate, here as it would be in the off topic forum.

You are completely misrepresenting my posts. I was simply pointing out that a non-conservation post is in the conservation forum.

That's no different than other situations where posts are moved to their appropriate categories. But if the moderators are happy leaving an non-conservation post in the conservation category, that's fine.
I am happy and none of the others have moved it, so that is your answer.
For those sitting here attempting to make any case at all for the so-called global warming, you must be smoking some funny stuff.

This little game is nothing other then that, a game being played by a number of people for their own personal gain.

oh, my this was the ninth warmest year however "NASA also noted that the past year was cooler than any since 2000". So are we warming or cooling? Gee, even a five year old would know we are cooling.

Next, oh my, the polar caps are melting, polar bears are dying. NASA also points out (regretfuly of course) "The polar ice caps have been shrinking in summer and expanding in winter for millions of years". So what we are seeing is nothing other then normal patterns of warming and cooling. Mankind has so little impact on the Earth, that it cannot be measured, and yet our politicians and some scientists (interestingly enough they are the very same who about 20 years ago claimed we were heading for a deep freeze) who make their livings off of research and scare tactics, attempt to make wild claims of the upcoming death of Earth.

Anyone with half a brain can easily do some research and discover the lies coming out of big carbon footprints people like Al "the liar" Gore, and those who live in his world of fantasy.
JackM wrote:
I am happy and none of the others have moved it, so that is your answer.

I didn't ask a question.
Troutbert wondered:
But if the moderators are happy....

I took the word "if" as implying some uncertainty on your part.
AlwaysWading wrote:
"NASA also noted that the past year was cooler than any since 2000". So are we warming or cooling? Gee, even a five year old would know we are cooling.

Really? again...

"2008 was the 10th warmest year on record dating back to 1850, and all 10 of the warmest years occurred since 1997."

You need to stop reading only from one source and try thinking for yourself. You are a threat to your own sport.

Apparently you aren't even smarter than a 1st grader.
The world we live in is no doubt warming. Exactly how much of this phenomenon can be blamed on mans activity will always be up for debate. This situation might well be cyclic like many believe, but I personally believe man is at least part of the problem.